13-03-2015, 21:11
I wonder about how in touch with the modern world King and Murray are. Someone like King spends his time reading, drafting, amending, approving, meeting, strategising and explaining, and when he's not directly working he'll be flying, golfing, networking, off on holiday, at the local gentleman's club etc. I have a theory that as a consequence he won't be someone with the time to explore and fully appreciate how information travels on the Internet, and still thinks outlets like the DR are the primary means by which fans learn things. In the past someone relatively under the radar could write something in a newspaper or fanzine, but a few years down the line it would have been long forgotten about and unlikely to surface. Graham could probably have escaped relatively unscathed from the shackles of his past. These days nothing is really hidden and the board has to be clever enough to be the first to look into someone's history, and if they bring baggage to keep them well away.