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John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands?
Nice to see a sudden 10pts "swing" from Liebour to the SNP again!!! I wonder why lol???? Many duped Scot voters finally "smelling the coffee" and realising real change is actually Scottish independence, pure n simple!! I notice our new Viceroy Murray, a known rabid Union Jack suit wearing idiot, professing, "It's time for serious grown-up politics again". Does he mean grown-up like his boss, sponger-in-chief Sir Keir??? A chancer who accepted £100k in freebies for designer clothes, specs, concert and fitba tickets, hols and a personal trainer, more than any other recent party leader????? This from a man who just last month vowed to clean up politics after Tory cronyism and corruption. Does he mean the £4M donation English Labour received before the gen election from Cayman Islands-based Quadrature Capital - a mega investor in fossil fuels, private companies, weapons manufacturers and asset managers? Liebour's largest gift ever, it was strategically made during the one-week window between Sunak's gen election announcement and the start of the "pre-poll reporting period" when all political donations over £11,180 must be published weekly rather than quarterly. The May 28 gift was only revealed last week, two months after the election - another one of these libertarian cover-up actions!! No wonder Starver, Reeves and Streeting are bringing back PFIs - YES!!! REMEMBER THE PREVIOUS FISCAL DAMAGE BY BLIAR, BROON ET AL AGAINST THE SCOTTISH ECONOMY - WE ARE STILL MITIGATING AGAINST THAT ACT OF ECONOMIC SKULDUGGERY EVEN NOW!!!!!!!! Liebour also continuing with financial deregulation, and surprise surprise!! Privatising the NHS!!!! HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER, CALLS THE TUNE EH!! Does Ian Murray mean how Sir Keir concealed his donors????? Martin Taylor, Sir Trevor Chinn and Baron Waheed Alli - until after his 2020 leadership election? Does he mean English Liebour's rule changes to prevent challengers from forcing a leadership vote that would secure the vain and greedy Starver in his post, freeing him to inflict all the "pain" his donors demand on the long-suffering public for five years??? Viceroy Murray says he cares about a better and fairer Scotland. IS THAT WHY MURRAY VOTED TO LET OUR PENSIONERS FREEZE AND MANY OF OUR KIDS LIVING IN POVERTY???????? Or why he is letting our industries die and our resources to be stolen from "under our noses"??? This isn't grown-up government!! It's naked colonial exploitation and suddenly many Scots are waking up to the reality that the SNP and Scot govt are not as bad as many of our pro-Union enemies regularly insinuate and would really like us to believe ad infinitum. The clarion call, a rightful one, is - "Wake up Scotland"!!! SAOR ALBA ASAP!!!
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John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by ritchiebaby - 07-05-2024, 23:35
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by 0762 - 06-06-2024, 22:44
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by ritchiebaby - 10-06-2024, 23:39
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by hibeejim21 - 20-06-2024, 13:57
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by ritchiebaby - 20-06-2024, 23:04
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by 0762 - 21-06-2024, 01:17
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by ritchiebaby - 07-07-2024, 13:58
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by 0762 - 16-08-2024, 15:52
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by ritchiebaby - 18-09-2024, 21:01
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by hibeejim21 - 28-09-2024, 17:06
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by 0762 - 24-09-2024, 19:18
RE: John Swinney, Scottish FM - a safe pair of hands? - by 0762 - 01-10-2024, 18:48

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