Have any of the leadership candidates got the dynamism, drive or charisma to actually do that effectively? IMO there is a huge latent support for Scotindy in Scotland. Many members who have left will return if that leader "presses the right buttons" by taking actions that are common sensical ones and impress the SNP members and the wider Scot indy movement. The first thing to do quickly is eg send questionnaires out to past members (take a significant sample) and ask the question, "Why did you leave? Provide the reasons why"? There will be a number of logical reasons incl paying membership fees not affordable or disillusionment due to a lack of direction and proper leadership or just lost interest. Assess the results and remedy asap!! One huge factor in his/her favour is the fact there is no political opposition in Scotland and the lack of any kinda common sense in unionist "better together" (NOT!!!), AKA "bitter together" political parties (plus autocratic Brit govt) taking a totally illogical undemocratic stance on the right of Scots to decide at any time re holding a referendum on their own self-determination - a vote loser - proved historically for well over a decade! And all these Scot political parties/opponents actually sending out a common message that you, I and millions of other Scottish people are classified as second class citizens who have no right to decide on our own future direction for Bella Caledonia, should provide one of the biggest pieces of political ammunition (together with other hugely contentious anti-Scotland stuff!) for that new SNP leader to use and progress positively to the next phase of our journey to become a fully independent country. Btw I reckon the resignation of Peter Murrell will actually result in an increase in SNP membership numbers. It was well known that he was gonna follow Nicola Sturgeon oot the door at some point after her announcement to vacate the Scot FM position and leader of the SNP. However, the timing of his decision was clearly never planned esp when linked to a trivial matter covering the number of members in the SNP - a case of just reveal it to the membership as discreetly as poss and be done with it, rather than stupidly giving "ammunition" to our unionist/media enemies who are trying to bring down the SNP, the Scot indy movement and our democratically elected Scot devolved govt. This scenario is truly a case of "out with the old and in with the new" - an ideal opportunity for a positive reset by an incoming leader/FM who recognises this huge opportunity to progress ahead positively as previously described. Incidentally, didn't Kate Forbes say on her first campaign day that the SNP needed change and root and branch reform of the the operation/admin was required? HOW PROPHETIC THAT STATEMENT WAS!!