The new First Minister TBA on 27 March (the day of the votes count) - a fairly long turnaround for a hugely important role in leading Scotland through a continuous undemocratic Unionist assault on Scottish democracy and our democratically elected govt, dealing with the many intractable issues/crises at the current time and also revitalising and leading the Scotindy movement in the quest to deliver self-determination in the face of an autocratic Brit govt that continues to "put up barriers" to stop the constitutional issue ever being redressed in a proper grown-up way. IMO the Scottish National Assembly, the same one that was abandoned by the SNP in 2018, should be re-convened asap. It has been formally recognised to be re-established last year - time to stop procrastinating and do it! It will bring together the grassroots members/leaders of Scotindy and govt ministers to debate many of the issues and concerns that really need to be thrashed out on a regular basis.