There should be anti-Brexit protests in London every week and there should be millions of people attending them as well and demanding a return to the EU as most citizens, even the ones who vehemently insisted it would work, now realise what an utter failure it actually is - a con!! And opinion polls endorse that fact as well with anti-opinion consistently rising as more n more people realise how the media has been manipulated to either normalise Brexit or suppress any mention of Brexit and the fact it was campaigned under a banner of deceit and deception. I still can't believe how passive people in this country have generally become re this issue and the extreme place where it is taking us as predicted by many independent economic researchers/analysts and others even within govt.
There should be anti-Brexit protests in London every week and there should be millions of people attending them as well and demanding a return to the EU as most citizens, even the ones who vehemently insisted it would work, now realise what an utter failure it actually is - a con!! And opinion polls endorse that fact as well with anti-opinion consistently rising as more n more people realise how the media has been manipulated to either normalise Brexit or suppress any mention of Brexit and the fact it was campaigned under a banner of deceit and deception. I still can't believe how passive people in this country have generally become re this issue and the extreme place where it is taking us as predicted by many independent economic researchers/analysts and others even within govt.