Yep! Although I must say mitigation measures really should be taking place by people with the full political commitment to the cause of tackling climate change. Many politicians elsewhere are trying very hard, but clearly difficult under very trying circumstances! Bear in mind today Putin playing politics with energy by threatening to freeze Europe this winter - scary stuff!! There's a good bbc prog that covered the corrupt influence imposed on past US Presidents by energy companies like Exxon, Shell and many others. It is so enlightening how the US stalled on taking proper measures, over 20 years ago, due to lies and corruption, infiltration by "decepticons", lotsa whistleblowers. Obama even fooled by these people within his own administration eg "clean gas" being the future fuel in the US for the next 100 years - utter crap!! Biden finally kyboshed the whole practise, now belatedly trying to change it. Most alarming here in the UK is the apparent similar unhealthy links between Truss and the likes of Exxon and the tobacco industry through financial donations to the likes of certain Tory think tanks like the IFS.