That first line actually "ties in" nicely with an international news article that covered the rating of our own Scot First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon - an interesting article from an American journo, Ferrer Gotic, who said the FM is regarded as a good leader and hugely respected worldwide - not regarded as someone who is dividing Scotland, but a female leader in Europe and highly regarded with it. Many international observers watching the more aggressive and abusive manner in which she is treated in the UK by the MS media - the complete opposite of how the international media see her as a political leader in Scotland. Gotic describing it as "black and white". While observing that something is awry with the behaviour of leading politicians in the Brit govt in comparison with the FM's standing. I would just add that she has outlasted them all - Cameron, May, Johnson - all of these impostors gone and vying for the position of the worst PM in British political history, Johnson now number 1 on that list!!