Post Brexit, I'm just reading a really refreshing media article by an American writer named Umair Haque referring to the current position in the UK transforming Britain into an Orwellian society" where the regime that is governing the country has imposed this kinda society because of the catastrophic consequences of Brexit and the fact that nobody can talk about it. Brexit has made Britain a vastly poorer society and Brits can't live the way they used to. He slams the insinuation by the brexit Toerags that the wreckage of their society and future was about a "supply chain crisis" which he flatly refutes as untrue. The consequence of Johnson's hard brexit was tariffs, paperwork, red tape, bureaucracy and the fact is he didn't need to go that way and calling it an "oven ready deal" was another piece of downright political skulduggery. He refers to a great interview he did in The Netherlands with the Dutch Federation of Trade Unions where the general consensus that most workers wouldn't entertain a short-term British visa to help out the UK out of the shit they created themselves lol!! Au natural!! There is a great reference to the "nothing" Labour opposition whose leader, Starmer, doesn't even wanna mention the dreaded "B" word and actually condones the awful deal that is in place plus the fact he refuses to come anywhere near saying Brexit is destroying Britain. And as for the bbc, he mentions the bbc has article after article questioning whether the "supply chain crisis" has anything to do with Brexit, and a businesswoman even saying that her bbc interview was edited to remove any mention of Brexit - in his opinion the Conservatives who created this mess, of course, DARE NOT MENTION THE "B" WORD AT ALL!! All of this made Britain an Orwellian society: Orwell was the one who said , "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". Haque adds that that is exactly where Britain is today. Nobody much can see what is "right under one's nose". Universal deceit is the rule by which society operates and manufactured doubt has created an atmosphere of fear. Consequently nobody can say the word that has to be said (mentioned often enough in Scotland with a population that majority voted against it and ignored with shameless contempt!) and so nothing can be done about it, ensuring the plunge into further ruin. What a great, refreshing read and it had to come from a distant observer who is not living in the UK!!