Watching some of the ridiculous crowd scenes/COVID violations at Ibronx today, before and after their game v Saint Mirren, and my first question focuses on the role of certain officials of the Glesca Police and why on earth they didn't impose appropriate traffic management measures, road closures/no access etc in order to stop this kinda breach of the Scot govt's COVID restrictions around the Govan club's stadium. THEY EFFECTIVELY CONDONED THIS BEHAVIOUR WHICH IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!!! The SG restrictions are for everyone to comply with and once again we're watching another instance of Scot footie operating to different rules and above the law - disgraceful and totally unacceptable as well as being a huge public health issue. The warning signs were there for all to see outside Livingston FC's stadium on Wednesday night, again unacceptable activities/behaviour by large groups of Rangers fans who think they are above it all and it reminds me of similar behaviour in the United States by Trump anti-vaccination/law breaking morons.