14-01-2015, 14:44
To clarify, I wasn't for a minute suggesting that all Muslims or religious people in general are god-fuelled idiots; the key word in that sentence was "violent". I was specifically referring to jihadists. If you kill people in the name of your religion, then you are violent, you are an idiot, and you are fuelled by the concept of a god; there's no two ways about it.
Yes, I accept that a large number of people will have been offended by the cartoon, but the fact remains that Charlie Hebdo had the right to criticise what they, as a magazine, feel is a harmful ideology. Some reports have suggested that Ahmed, the Muslim police officer who was killed by the terrorists, was among those offended by the cartoon, and yet he gave his life in defence of their right to mock and criticise. A fine human being who deserved better.
Again, look up Maajid Nawaz and hear what he has to say on this. He's a devout Muslim and ex-Islamist who now campaigns for progressive Islamic reform; part of that is trying to change attitudes about blasphemy and censorship. He's always worth listening to.
Yes, I accept that a large number of people will have been offended by the cartoon, but the fact remains that Charlie Hebdo had the right to criticise what they, as a magazine, feel is a harmful ideology. Some reports have suggested that Ahmed, the Muslim police officer who was killed by the terrorists, was among those offended by the cartoon, and yet he gave his life in defence of their right to mock and criticise. A fine human being who deserved better.
Again, look up Maajid Nawaz and hear what he has to say on this. He's a devout Muslim and ex-Islamist who now campaigns for progressive Islamic reform; part of that is trying to change attitudes about blasphemy and censorship. He's always worth listening to.
"I would rather spend a holiday in Tuscany than in the Black Country, but if I were compelled to choose between living in West Bromwich or Florence, I should make straight for West Bromwich." - J.B. Priestley