13-01-2015, 16:25
Freedom of Speech:
We, in UK, value it very highly (although Politically Correct people don't rate it so much). But I'm in 2 minds whether it is so righteous.....
I listened to a debate this morning on the Radio, and a Moslem claimed that he "loved his Prophet more than his wife and family", and Mohammed had said that he forbade any image of himself, because he did not want to be glorified. I think that that statement showed a side to his followers that non-Moslems don't appreciate. Christians would hate, for example, if other religious groups showed cartoons of Christ with his trousers down (or whatever), and would be seriously OFFENDED by it all. Unfortunately there only seems to be one word for "OFFENDED" (the Eskimos apparently have 100 words for "snow"!), so the word probably doesn't do justice to how deeply offended Moslems might be.
With that in mind I can't see why Charlie Hebdo NEEDED to publish, as it did recently. (Obviously the retribution was way, way, over the top, and that doesn't need debating).
Have I got this right? Over to you.......
ps I've removed "Je suis Charlie" from my 'SIGNATURE' until I make my mind up!!!
We, in UK, value it very highly (although Politically Correct people don't rate it so much). But I'm in 2 minds whether it is so righteous.....
I listened to a debate this morning on the Radio, and a Moslem claimed that he "loved his Prophet more than his wife and family", and Mohammed had said that he forbade any image of himself, because he did not want to be glorified. I think that that statement showed a side to his followers that non-Moslems don't appreciate. Christians would hate, for example, if other religious groups showed cartoons of Christ with his trousers down (or whatever), and would be seriously OFFENDED by it all. Unfortunately there only seems to be one word for "OFFENDED" (the Eskimos apparently have 100 words for "snow"!), so the word probably doesn't do justice to how deeply offended Moslems might be.
With that in mind I can't see why Charlie Hebdo NEEDED to publish, as it did recently. (Obviously the retribution was way, way, over the top, and that doesn't need debating).
Have I got this right? Over to you.......
ps I've removed "Je suis Charlie" from my 'SIGNATURE' until I make my mind up!!!