Biden already signing off lotsa executive orders and not wasting any time in trying to redress lotsa probs that I'd say no other previous President has experienced since the 1930s or just after the end of the second world war. Also all temporary barriers and shutters being removed from the Capital area in Washigton DC - back to normal service after unprecedented events that will be marked up in US history books in years to come! Lots to do for this US President and tackling the pandemic effectively and the needs of US citizens across the country must be his top priority. I notice his new Financial Sec, Yellen, already saying no free trade agreements gonna be brokered any time soon as many higher economic challenges ahead and focused on the internal US market only. What a shame for the Brit govt, Johnson et al, who preached often enough about their post Brexit aspirations (a sales pitch to their captivated English voters!!) re this new trade alignment "across the pond" - one nest of corrupt populist "vipers" joining with similarly minded ones. What a pity eh!!!