31-08-2020, 21:14
This is a good read re a US President who is indeed "killing politics" and "stoking up fires of hate" with the most ridiculous non-presidential comments that have attracted some extreme anarchists as well as the likes of the mayor of Portland with a scathing criticism of Trump's behaviour - a so called leader of the country but not a unifier of people - a total loon ball who is definitely not normal as previously intimated so many times before on this board.
This is a good read re a US President who is indeed "killing politics" and "stoking up fires of hate" with the most ridiculous non-presidential comments that have attracted some extreme anarchists as well as the likes of the mayor of Portland with a scathing criticism of Trump's behaviour - a so called leader of the country but not a unifier of people - a total loon ball who is definitely not normal as previously intimated so many times before on this board.