This is an intriguing article, published by the Washington Post, that I'd say should be read by every interested Sb member (and others) because it is so accurate a comparison of political attitudes, timing and organisation between Germany and the UK. Two big statements from Herr Haber are "our Health authority was a well-oiled machine" and the other statement was "we are not fighting a war, this is a test of our humanity" - a "must read" article, it confirms a lotta stuff that has been said on this OP. It's the potential outcome/loss of lives in the UK that disturbs me greatly!!
This is an intriguing article, published by the Washington Post, that I'd say should be read by every interested Sb member (and others) because it is so accurate a comparison of political attitudes, timing and organisation between Germany and the UK. Two big statements from Herr Haber are "our Health authority was a well-oiled machine" and the other statement was "we are not fighting a war, this is a test of our humanity" - a "must read" article, it confirms a lotta stuff that has been said on this OP. It's the potential outcome/loss of lives in the UK that disturbs me greatly!!