22-12-2014, 17:06
Happy Birthday.
A multi-millionare had three sons, coming up to the first sons birthday he asked him what he wanted for his present.
The son asked for a train set, so his dad bought him the East Coast Mainline.
Come the second sons birthday he was asked the same.
I'd like a boat he said, so the old man bought him the QE II.
The third son, on his birthday asked for a cowboy outfit, so daddy bought him the Albion.
A multi-millionare had three sons, coming up to the first sons birthday he asked him what he wanted for his present.
The son asked for a train set, so his dad bought him the East Coast Mainline.
Come the second sons birthday he was asked the same.
I'd like a boat he said, so the old man bought him the QE II.
The third son, on his birthday asked for a cowboy outfit, so daddy bought him the Albion.
