13-06-2019, 01:28
A German lorry driver in a pub in Newcastle is gobbing off how lazy British truck drivers are. He's bragging that he drives his load from Hamburg, goes through Holland, Belgium up to Newcastle and back to Hamburg in just two days. This old Geordie man mutters up, "Ah, way ay I used to pick up me load in Newcastle, drop off in Hamburg and be back in Newcastle for a fish and chip supper the same day".
The gobby German trucker says, " Oh yah, vot rig were you driving then?"
After taking a long swig of his Pint of Newcastle Brown, the old fella replies..........
Yes its an old one DD
The gobby German trucker says, " Oh yah, vot rig were you driving then?"
After taking a long swig of his Pint of Newcastle Brown, the old fella replies..........
Yes its an old one DD
