16-06-2018, 18:59
After a Sunday service, the priest ran out of petrol on his way home. Fortunately, the village garage was only about half a mile away.
Amazingly, the garage did not have any petrol containers. The priest pleaded that the garage owner must have a container that would hold half a gallon of petrol.
After much searching the proprietor came up with a chamber pot. Although it was not strictly legal, they filled the chamber pot with petrol and the priest set off happily back to his car.
Just as the priest was decanting the petrol into his tank a lorry driver stopped, wound down his window and said: 'Father, I have heard of the miracle of changing water into wine, but I think you're pushing your luck with that chamber pot'.
Amazingly, the garage did not have any petrol containers. The priest pleaded that the garage owner must have a container that would hold half a gallon of petrol.
After much searching the proprietor came up with a chamber pot. Although it was not strictly legal, they filled the chamber pot with petrol and the priest set off happily back to his car.
Just as the priest was decanting the petrol into his tank a lorry driver stopped, wound down his window and said: 'Father, I have heard of the miracle of changing water into wine, but I think you're pushing your luck with that chamber pot'.
