Well if you cheat in eg the Olympics and get caught, you don't receive or own the medal any more. The rules on the UK political front, particularly Tory, is that this ethos does not apply. I watched and listened to the bbc's PM Questions and just 'switched it off' after observing the contemptuous way that Mrs May has tried to 'sweep the critical issues under the carpet' - I've used the word 'shameless' regularly since 2014 when applied to unionist politicians and that continues to this day as I observe this crass practice of lies and deception being racked up even higher than the worst days of Tony Blair and Daphne Broon!! Absolutely shameless and there is no hope for this country with these 'decepticons' in charge - a disgrace! What baffles me is how passive the UK population has been to brexit being incompetently brokered and the steady drip, drip, drip of revelations re the undemocratic way it has come about. The political suppression of our population is nothing short of amazing and it feels like we are 'sleepwalking' into an abyss with no return.