27-03-2018, 22:34
I'm at a loss as to the big fuss made about Facebook passing/selling users' data to Cambridge Analytica. Any information I post on Facebook (profile/photos/likes/quizzes, etc) becomes their intellectual property, according to their rules. Basically they can do what they like with it as we have handed over ownership of our views to them. This is of great value to firms like Cambridge Analytica who can then give interested parties a list of contacts who think they same way as they do. I get lots of advertising offers on my FB page from organisations who think they can influence me to buy their goods. NO CHANCE!
It's a modern take on the Labour and Tory Press barons who used their influence to garner votes for their parties. Much more basic back then with no contact names, but still the same principle.
It's a modern take on the Labour and Tory Press barons who used their influence to garner votes for their parties. Much more basic back then with no contact names, but still the same principle.
Cabbage is still good for you