The guy who still 'gets ma craw' even now is David Cameron, one of the worst British PMs in living memory and a selfish one 'to boot'! He was a major player in the shameless unionist lies, similar to the shameless lies/deceptions of brexit, that were fed to the Scottish voting population in Scot referendum year 2014 and then had the gall to set up that ill-conceived EU referendum bill after not even honouring a min devo-max settlement as promised in late 2014-early 2015 - the shit British state playing 'funny buggers' on the promises that were laid out in their pre-voting stance (the infamous 3 amigos scenario). He had no right to even go near that Tory political folly but he foolishly did it anyway and 'slipped on a banana skin' in the process - a total imbecile and inadvertent political saboteur who has created a major problem and division throughout the country!!! I hate this man/coward with a passion and he just had to be a toerag!