15-12-2017, 13:58
I have OCD which severely affects my sex life. Every time I turn a girl on, I turn them off again.
Theresa May refuses to fly on Ryannair, as they would charge her for the bags under her eyes.
Does anybody know how to disable the autocorrect feature on my G/F?
New for 2018 -- we can’t say Gingerbread Man anymore, we say "light-skinned spicy gender-neutral person" bread now.
I like salad best when it is simplified down to the most basic ingredients and smothered in a greasy delicious hamburger cuddled in a stodgy bun.
Panicked thinking -- did I leave the fireplace video running?
They say the pain during child birth is so great, a woman can almost imagine what a man with a cold feels like.
Why does the adjective ‘indescribable’ even exist? As soon as you say something is indescribable, you’ve just described it, thus rendering it non-indescribable, I think, xxxx knows where this one is going!
Men are like fires. If not watched, they go out.
When JK Rowling wrote Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them, she had obviously never been to Primark.
Don’t ask a girl where she wants to eat. Tell her to guess where you’re taking her to eat. Then take her to her first guess.
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. You can’t tell me that’s just a coincidence.
Wine, because blokes just love confusing texts at 3am!
Theresa May refuses to fly on Ryannair, as they would charge her for the bags under her eyes.
Does anybody know how to disable the autocorrect feature on my G/F?
New for 2018 -- we can’t say Gingerbread Man anymore, we say "light-skinned spicy gender-neutral person" bread now.
I like salad best when it is simplified down to the most basic ingredients and smothered in a greasy delicious hamburger cuddled in a stodgy bun.
Panicked thinking -- did I leave the fireplace video running?
They say the pain during child birth is so great, a woman can almost imagine what a man with a cold feels like.
Why does the adjective ‘indescribable’ even exist? As soon as you say something is indescribable, you’ve just described it, thus rendering it non-indescribable, I think, xxxx knows where this one is going!
Men are like fires. If not watched, they go out.
When JK Rowling wrote Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them, she had obviously never been to Primark.
Don’t ask a girl where she wants to eat. Tell her to guess where you’re taking her to eat. Then take her to her first guess.
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. You can’t tell me that’s just a coincidence.
Wine, because blokes just love confusing texts at 3am!
