My poll figure didn't refer to the Telegraph reference - taken from Catalonian sources re demographic choices within the region. As usual, it depends how much accuracy one can attach to certain polls as opposed to other ones but the 60%+ figure has been commonly referred to. I'll be in Catalonia in the coming week and there could well be a 'hustings feel' in Barcelona and elsewhere that will be quite interesting to observe. It will indeed be curious to see if this situation concludes into an 'acid test' re EU membership or not and if the Spanish govt 'goes negative' in trying to forcibly block this 1 October referendum, IMO a very bad and damaging political move if they try to do it that way. IMO the Madrid govt would then compound a constitutional crisis if arrests were made, a democratic crisis for the Spanish state and the EU - an EU member apparently stifling debate, contrary to European values re democracy and participation.