23-06-2017, 16:32
Little Johnny said “Mommy, I sneaked out of my room last night and I looked through your door and saw you jumping on daddy’s tummy.”
“Yes”, said Mommy, “we were trying to get rid of daddy’s big belly. I jump on him so that all the air will come out.”
“Oh, but I know why that isn’t working – the lady from next door comes round every afternoon when you go out shopping and blows all the air back into him again.”
“Yes”, said Mommy, “we were trying to get rid of daddy’s big belly. I jump on him so that all the air will come out.”
“Oh, but I know why that isn’t working – the lady from next door comes round every afternoon when you go out shopping and blows all the air back into him again.”

Some days I'm top dog, most days I'm just the lamp post.