This is gonna be theeeeee biggest mistake in British economic history and you don't need to hold an economic degree to realise that fact!! Of course May wants to be as secretive as she can be and remember that this is somebody who had absolutely no plan whatsoever together with her group of Tory Brexit 'huddies' who have never impressed 'from the off' and indeed never expected to win the EU referendum vote at all - it's called 'caught with your pants down' and it's mainly an English problem full of xenophobia, English nationalism tendencies and huge misinformation that has damaged the UK beyond belief! That's my 'take' on it and I see no reason to change that view. I've previously commented that we definitely have the wrong govt in place to handle this problem and that will exacerbate this whole problem even more particularly with no strong political opposition in parliament!! One can only hope that it will change but I'm not holding my breath' in great anticipation'.