Good comments spiretematt. As Corbyn scathingly commented today in parliament - the Tories target the weak and 'take care of their own people'! He's right! Another good example of Tory shit is their education reform to school provision that actually provides good, free education to their own people/backers, many of whom can't afford private education any more but they are trying to dupe many critics of the intro of grammar schools etc that such provision will provide for less well off kids - utter crap and they should be seriously challenged on a lotta these issues by good people in politics and on the streets! As for the blanket pro Tory media propaganda in a so called democratic society - it's a f###### joke and I wish many voters in England would wisen up to the stuff that you've highlighted and more!! I notice that a newly formed vetting agency, FERRET, has been set up to check and expose 'fake info' in media and politics! It's long overdue, I hope it's officials/checkers are fully impartial and it is effective in taking measures against offenders as well as exposing them with the real facts/truth.