If I were a Scot or even allowed a vote on Scottish independence the only thing that would stop me voting for it would be Nicola Sturgeon (who I really admire) insisting on leaping into the EU and throwing away hundreds of years of hard rebellion. I wish I thought the pro-EU vote in Scotland represented a nation looking outward. I fear it is FEAR; that Scotland is running from nanny UK to mummy EU.
I want us to look outward but I don't want to be Frenglish or Engman either. I want us to celebrate ourselves and each other for what we are. If you love someone you don't only love the ways in which they are like you, you love the differences, you even see their bad points as mere idiosyncracies, as lovable!
We don't need to be part of a club to offer people the chance to be here, but we ought to know they are here so we can cater for them ...... and ourselves.
And how the xxxx do we ever rebel or protest when the power increasingly lies in Strasbourg?
I want us to look outward but I don't want to be Frenglish or Engman either. I want us to celebrate ourselves and each other for what we are. If you love someone you don't only love the ways in which they are like you, you love the differences, you even see their bad points as mere idiosyncracies, as lovable!
We don't need to be part of a club to offer people the chance to be here, but we ought to know they are here so we can cater for them ...... and ourselves.
And how the xxxx do we ever rebel or protest when the power increasingly lies in Strasbourg?