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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Boris did his job well. He had served his purpose and was now deemed to be an electoral liability. Unsettlingly, it's becoming more and more likely that the wishes of the UK voters are going to be dismissed once again.  Rolleyes

And just to be clear on this, the UK is still a member of the EU and will be so for at least 2 years. Scotland is not and never has been a member of the EU. So there are still a lot of twists and turns to come yet.
Cabbage is still good for you
I think Spain have made it fairly clear that Scotland will never be part of the EU as a separate entity while ever they have a say!!
(30-06-2016, 18:01)St Charles Owl Wrote: I think Spain have made it fairly clear that Scotland will never be part of the EU as a separate entity while ever they have a say!!

The jocks need to promise Spain that they can convince England to give Gibraltar back, they'd welcome them with open arms then Big Grin
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post
EU talks today about leaving Scotland out of brexit.

We would need to have a referendum and peg a new currency to the euro.
The EU has zero power or responsibility or right to even discuss "leaving Scotland out of Brexit"!!! The whole Scotland things is a UK decision and until that is decided there is no one to negotiate with!! That was made clear by the EU yesterday.
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post
Discussions on transitional arrangements for an independent Scotland to remain in the European Union (EU) after the UK leaves are taking place in Brussels, a former senior adviser to the European Commission (EC) has disclosed.

As the Press Association reports, Dr Kirsty Hughes told MSPs discussions are taking place about putting Scotland in a “transitional holding pen” after Brexit to avoid “an absurd out and then in process”.

She urged MSPs to hold a second independence referendum by summer 2017 at the latest, if it is judged to be in the best interests of Scotland, to allow the EU to start work on these transitional arrangements.

However, she warned the EU “does not want a mini-UK” and said Scotland is unlikely to keep the UK’s “awkward squad” opt-outs of the euro, justice and home affairs and the UK budget rebate.

Hughes, now an associate fellow of the Friends of Europe, told Holyrood’s European and External Relations Committee:

I talk to people in Brussels, off the record, who are talking about Scotland being in some sort of transitional holding pen.

It wouldn’t have a seat in the council of ministers until ratification of the treaties, but it wouldn’t have to go through an absurd out and then in process.

I go through all that for now because I think there is a timing issue.

If Scotland waits until nearly the end of the two years to say, ‘This isn’t okay and now we’re having an independence referendum’, you might not have had that and had time to have the negotiations with the rest of the UK on dissolving the union before the whole of the UK has left.

So, it’s obviously a very big political judgement about whether and when to call an independence referendum.

If it was only a question of logic, you would call it as soon as possible in my view.

You would call it, anyway, let’s say, by next summer because then you would have actually had the dissolution talks - if it was successful - with the UK before the UK left.

That would make it much easier for the EU to get into some of these transitional holding pen arrangements than otherwise
0762 likes this post
I wish Nicola would call for an independence referendum as soon as practically possible esp after 1. Listening to the shit, hypocritical comments coming from the Scottish Tory leader, Ruth Davidson, and her party's abstention from today's vote on EU negotiations 2. Observing the Tory manifestation that will become the new, unelected (except the select party members who can pick their man or woman) UK govt led by one or other lightweight MP within it's ranks. It's become very clear again, as it was in 2014 in Scotland, there are a lotta shameless b####### going around in Westminster and the media and this political party that calls itself Conservative is so 'out of synch' with millions and millions of UK voters who could never associate with this divisive party that is currently fragmented but is still in charge of the country! Remember the better together slogan!! Pish!!! Our politics and values are so different from those observed in certain parts of England and that's a fact.
(01-07-2016, 00:13)0762 Wrote: I wish Nicola would call for an independence referendum as soon as practically possible esp after 1. Listening to the shit, hypocritical comments coming from the Scottish Tory leader, Ruth Davidson, and her party's abstention from today's vote on EU negotiations 2. Observing the Tory manifestation that will become the new, unelected (except the select party members who can pick their man or woman) UK govt led by one or other lightweight MP within it's ranks. It's become very clear again, as it was in 2014 in Scotland, there are a lotta shameless b####### going around in Westminster and the media and this political party that calls itself Conservative is so 'out of synch' with millions and millions of UK voters who could never associate with this divisive party that is currently fragmented but is still in charge of the country! Remember the better together slogan!! Pish!!! Our politics and values are so different from those observed in certain parts of England and that's a fact.

Point 2 sounds about the same as the way your Nicola was chosen for her current position doesn't it??? A change of leadership of any party is undemocratic in the wider population, but they all essentially have the same process.

And lets not forget the only region of England that actually had the same outcome as Scotland in this referendum was your "pals" in Westminster and London!!! Political bedfellows in this one!!
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post
Ironic, isn't it?
Whats ironic about it?

Westminster and the establishment is an entirely different thing from the political views of people in london in a one off referendum.

Scotland and london have always been pro-europe, no doubt there are plenty of things we would disagree on too.
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