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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
You're absolutely right on that one El Car! This whole fiasco emanated from the infighting of one political party, namely the Consevatives. It was one of the main factors that previously brought down Thatcher and the prob has never gone away!! As for Cameron? I've previously commented on his folly re making such a stupid decision in the 1st place, at a time of austerity when a lotta people in the UK had a real 'beef' against the establishment, the govt and even  the reputation of MPs - lotsa of them are shameless b####### and I've now observed this 'phenomenon' in 2 x referenda!!! Thumb down  I'd like to see this protest petition to rise to 20 million + and I'd suggest to any reader, who is similarly angered and concerned re this Brexit result, to sign up to it!!
(26-06-2016, 12:14)0762 Wrote:
(25-06-2016, 13:13)Fredstersafool Wrote: There's no turning back 0762 petition or not the nation has spoken and now need to deal with

Well the number of signatures have risen to 3 million + and still rising - a lotta people in the UK who know this vote was inherently wrong and are even more incensed by the shameless people who represented the Brexit movement and the lies that they peddled!!! Foe example, they are already backpedaling on their positive financing of the NHS and the 'dream' they had to offer - pish!!!!

The majority of people who have signed this petition don't even live in the country. They live in Europe or Asia or America. Apparently only 350k people who live in the UK signed the petition.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
It's apparently being investigated for fraudulent signatures
This is xxxx scary.

Leave Campaign didn't have a plan and N10 didn't have a plan because they probably thought we were going to stay.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Anyone with two braincells to rub together knew that before the vote Spireite. Unfortunately, once again those with only one brain cell did what The Super Soaraway Sun told them to do.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
And as if the global panic caused by this uncertainty wasn't bad enough, our PM quits and half the shadow cabinet resigns - all of them basically trying to jump ship before history gets a chance to take note of their names and tie them to this shambles.
Stairs, spireitematt, Amelia Chaffinch And 1 others like this post
Cameron had to go and good riddance the man is an incompetent fool
The wicked witch of the north ain't much better, she's after a best of 3 vote too. No surprise there though. Just following the same ideals of the Quebecanese in Canada. They were eventually handed their aresholes on a plate, I can't guarantee it but I hope she eventually gets the same treatment. As much as I don't like the result, this was a UK referendum, not an English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh totally separate from each others wishes referendum where you can pick and choose the results as they come in. Not that she, at this moment in time, seems to realise this. The rest of the EU will remind her of this, hopefully, when she goes sporran in hand to try and become a separate member state. Won't hold my breath though on that one either.

He told as many lies before the last election as the pro exit mob did before the poll on Thursday. Neither he nor Boris deserved a victory in either poll to be fair, but he won the first one and blustering Boris and the lying toad that is Farage won the second one. He deserves to go but this wasn't the right platform to kick the weasel out on. Not sure that many of the English and Welsh electorate in particular realised that to be honest. I base that on what I've heard mostly older folk discussing in pubs and bus stops. Maybe not the best places to get public opinion but you won't get real opinion on the lawns outside Westminster either.
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A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Conclusion of EU27 top negotiators' meeting: No negotiation without notification (of U.K. wanting to leave EU).

What a clusterfuck.
Theo, at least 95% of all politicians tell lies, It's what they do. Dave, George, Boris, Nigel, Nicola, Alex all do it and they can inspire people to take their side. Jeremy is much too nice to do it, so nobody feels inspired by him.
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