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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
The trouble is that it was such a high turnout. All those who don't vote usually have voted to leave, well the ones I know about. And they're the ones coming out with ridiculous statements about immigration and believing the shite spouted by Farridge. They've not even considered the economy, jobs, workers rights, etc.

(25-06-2016, 11:42)Amelia Chaffinch Wrote: I love how you tar us all with the same brush. You go on about us being racist like it's 100% of us who voted for this. I always felt an affinity with Scotland before but I am fast not liking you. You talk with such hatred about us.

Don't tar all the Kilted brethren with the same brush. Big Grin
Racist?? There is no doubt immigration is the biggest factor to the leave vote but to call it racist is wrong it's more about the facts of no housing for our own etc, I have quite a few polish friends and have no problem with them however I think it's disgusting that people born bred and worked there whole lives paying there tax and NI cannot get housed and are forced to pay through the teeth in rent to put a roof over there heads meanwhile immigrants are getting things to easy,now that's not there fault that's the people who run the countries fault
'immigrants are getting things easy'

See thats the exactly the kind of language the press have been using for months in the run up to the election. It's not based on any kind of truth.I don't know any immigrant who isn't actually doing a job of work. I know plenty of uk citizens who are doing sweet fa though.
Jim it's true FFS I could be thrown out tomorrow turn up at Edinburgh council for accommodation and be told there is none now put the boot on another shoe and it's different,now like I say that's not there fault it's a fact though,so every immigrant is working in this country that is a load of pish sir
" And they're the ones coming out with ridiculous statements about immigration and believing the shite spouted by Farridge."

Thats exactly who i am pissed off with. I thought that was pretty obvious.

Anyway as el car said,we have made our bed.
Farage and UKIP are just the NF in a bad disguise,but the people of Britain are fed up of it and they have voted because of it that is very clear

And there's already a million signature petition to have another EU referendum asap - just shows how emotive this result has been for lotsa people in the country and how they regard Brexit to befundamentally wrong!
Nicola also announcing this morning that legislation will be drawn up to gradually present the case for another Scot Indy referendum! However, nothing explicit being said!!Also emphasising that stronger bonds and associations will be endorsed with the EU and immediate discussions will be underway with EU officials - governance will be stable and effective unlike the turmoil that is evident in Westminster. This is a case of JUST CALM DOON, I'M GONNA SORT IT OOT! And I believe she will deal with it, one way or the other.
There's no turning back 0762 petition or not the nation has spoken and now need to deal with
Just listen to Daniel Hannan today saying that we need the Single Market and something approaching free movement of labour:

Those who voted on immigration are going to get severely shafted.

Then you have the people of cornwall asking the government to cover their EU funding that they have enjoyed since 2007. 60 million a year. Good luck with that.
(25-06-2016, 13:13)Fredstersafool Wrote: There's no turning back 0762 petition or not the nation has spoken and now need to deal with

We can now sit back and confidently await our elected representatives make a complete balls-up of it.
Cabbage is still good for you
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