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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
I didn't vote, feel it's not my place to anymore, but if I had I would have voted for Remain. Having said that I am not that bothered it went the other way and in all honesty am excited about the opportunity Britain now has. Of course that opportunity will only ever be realized if we have the right people making the decisions, both in terms of the deal for us to exit and the ongoing negotiations and running of the country after that. That is where my faith takes a hit, but there are some very good MPs out there on both sides of the aisle, the electorate needs to make sure these people somehow come to the fore.
There are no 'heavyweight British politicians' any more in the true sense of the words and I'm specifically referring to Westminster politics SCO!!! That's the main problem and it's also one of the main reasons why we've ended up in this shit situation!! I'm listening to people appealing for unity! Aye - unity in a divided nation when the vote was not exactly unanimous and our politicians are generally regarded as unscrupulous knobheads!! Here's a very good MSN news article re Cameron's folly - says it all for me!! Rolleyes
0762, disagree with that. There are always some good politicians in all parties, we just have to find them and elevate them. Not sure I want a heavyweight, the last few of those haven't done us much good. I truly believe this should now be a cross party effort to get the right deal and make this happen for the benefit of the whole of the U.K. I would even advocate allowing someone like Alex Salmond be a part of a cross party team to head up the negotiations. Forget unity in the general public, this now requires unity in the political arena.
(25-06-2016, 00:20)ritchiebaby Wrote: El Car, I'm glad that I was one of the 10% who didn't use xenophobia nor racism as their reason for voting Leave.

The UK is a net contributor to the EU (we're still in it for years to come), so that money should now be able to be used for the UK's benefit - tax cuts, funding house-building, whatever. Of course, this depends on politicians, so don't hold your breath.

As far as immigration is concerned, I was much more interested in the ideal of being able to expel hate-filled undesirables from this country, instead of having the European Court telling us we couldn't do it.

As usual, there will be winners and losers, but that applies to everything. I've been a UK taxpayer under Conservative and Labour governments and before and after the Common Market/EU and I've always managed to have a car, a house and an annual holiday. Perhaps I'm luckier than most, but we Brits tend to get on with it and manage the best we can.

As far as the result is concerned, that's democracy at work. The ballot box rules and I for one didn't need to be cajoled into voting by one side or the other.

The UK is a net contributor in terms of direct contributions less receipts to the government and UK NGOs of usually around £2bn a year, but the economic benefit of being in the EU is around £70bn a year on average. Our net contribution is a premium we pay to gain access to that, and now we'll lose the lot with no assurance of being able to gain those benefits independently.

Anyway, too late to argue the merits of either side now, our bed's made.
Don't think corbyn need go,he wasn't an enthusiastic eu supporter but that was obvious from the off. He never lied to the uk people unlike a lot of others. Im no great fan of his politics but i found his more nuanced view on the issue quite refreshing.

Cameron on the other hand has made a right mess of it,he ran out of luck. His political brinkmanship was hugely damaging to the uk overall. I suspect we will end up still with freedom of movement and paying through our noses for the EU ....just without any input at the top table.

Its going to get messy when the english realise they have been fucked over...
(24-06-2016, 22:09)St Charles Owl Wrote: Scotland can suck it up, it voted with its arch enemy, the rich and wealthy of London in this one and completely bottled its own independence referendum last year.  Time to move on from that one!!!  The swathe of blue across middle and working class England won the day, a victory that has seen Cameron resign and should see the end of Corbyn as well!!  He completely failed to get Labours message across and the heartland of Labour support was overwhelmingly in the leave camp.  This is as muc a slap in the face of Labor as it is the Conservative, in fact this is a slap in the face of every government that has consistently ignored the middle and working classes for a long time now.

It was a free vote St Charles it wasn't like a party political election. I don't think it matters who would be Labour leader in this situation because I still think the result would be the same. The problem is for far too long Westminster and the European Union thought they were untouchable and pushed the public into voting this way because they have had enough and they saw the effects the EU had on there cities, towns and villages with there rules and regulations and what was happening and only now there closing the stable door after the horse has bolted sitting up and taking note. Remain didn't want to talk about immigration as they didn't want to look like racists where as the Leave campaign talked about the issue and probably pushed it too far as well as scaremongering about Turkey joining the EU and painting a picture of Britain outside the EU would be the land of milk and honey and everything would be hunky dory.

Also I know a few people voted Leave because they were giving two fingers up to the establishment and a few thought if they vote Leave it would get rid of Cameron which it has but it also took us out of the European Union. A few people voted for Leave because there friends and family did. I also think Obama and the EU telling us not to leave had an affect as well because when you tell somebody not to do something they do it all the more.

Getting new leaders every 5 minutes like football managers isn't the way to go. I guess Farron should resign as Lib Dems leader because he backed remain as well. The leaders and parties weren't listening to the British public and I'm afraid now they will have to listen to the British public because for too long consecutive Governments have assumed what was best for us instead of getting there ear to the ground and asking us.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
'2 fingers up to the elite'

What the xxxx are boris,IDS,farage,patel and gove if not the elite ? Ludicrious. And they have provided lie after lie after lie.

turkey joining - lie
350 million a week -lie
Uk is ruled by the eu - lie
EU army - lie
taking control -lie

Pisses me off how xxxx stupid people are.
I canny wait for second referendum and get out of this Union our time has come
i'm all for leaving the english and the welsh to stew in their brain dead,racist pish mate.

That said having heard boris and gove yesterday i'm a) entirely sure they haven't a xxxx clue what they are doing and b) not entirely sure they want to leave the EU.

Meanwhile Calais demanding Britain takes its border back....Credit rating reduced...Juncker demanding negotiations start immediately whilst boris stalls and slavers.

I hope the jungle moves to dover.
I love how you tar us all with the same brush. You go on about us being racist like it's 100% of us who voted for this. I always felt an affinity with Scotland before but I am fast not liking you. You talk with such hatred about us.
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