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Scottish Independence
Murdoch has been tweeting the yougov poll released tonights results are shocking, yes are ahead, great news imo
Not long to go til we find out for real.
Personal view hope they get it
Its going to be interesting to see what the result will be. I wonder if they will put Braveheart on the TV the night before the vote?

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Just hope Salmond has plenty of money trees if they vote yes, he'll need them
(07-09-2014, 08:23)themaclad Wrote: Just hope Salmond has plenty of money trees if they vote yes, he'll need them

It'll be all right they've got the oil besides the snp seem to think everyone will just do what they want, no share of national debt, currency union, membership of EU all no problem to them
I thought something which no one has talked about. If Scotland vote yes and go independent will they be allowed to vote in the General Election next May? They can't can they?

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I don't see why not. We wouldn't become independent until at least March 2016 and excluding us from voting before then would possibly be illegal under EU law. You won't need any general elections after that though because you'll just vote the Tories in every time.

For my part I know aspects of Alex Salmond that would put off all but his most ardent supporters, and I couldn't bring myself to back the plans of a party that still consists of such a militant membership, albeit a watered-down 21st century pussified version of militancy. I can't see that I have anything to gain from independence, and I have plenty to lose.
spireitematt likes this post
IMO I think it would be better if Scotland stayed with the UK, I watched the debate on BBC 2 a few weeks ago and I get the impression that Salmond is just winging it and has not thought it through properly.

If Scotland do go independent then the Labour Party will never get back in again unless miraculously the South start voting Labour which I cannot see happening because the majority of the South are staunch right wing voters.
El Car likes this post

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
He's totally winging it. He just wants his moment of glory: to be the man who brought about Scottish independence. After that he doesn't need a gameplan, he just needs to convince enough people that he had some secret master plan. Some of the stuff the Yes campaigners have come out with over the last few months has been ludicrous, but once someone's in that camp they can't back down without looking really stupid.
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