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Apprentice 2014
Fantastic it's back - just love this programme.

I have been in a few high pressure competitions in my time but. Not on national television and with such a huge prize of setting up a business with Lord Sugar. He not so fantastic in himself but his network and influence would be huge.
Robert really annoyed me and glad he was fired, he was just a snob, Lord Sugar wanted him to be project manager and he bottled it. Daniel was dreadful at the pitches and won't be surprised if he is fired next week. Scott wasn't a good manager and was trying to shift the blame on everyone else. Sarah in the girl's team is just a Katie Hopkins wannabe and even looks a little bit like her. Both teams aren't doing very well at the minute but the girl's are just edging it over the boy's.

I thought the two designs of technology clothing were dreadful, I mean solar panels on a jacket isn't really going to work when most of the days in the UK are overcast and a camera in a jumper with flashing lights is very creepy its like a stalkers dream.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I dont know if its a look at human nature or to show us how up themselves people are in the south but its quality viewing

On current form it could easily be two being fired every show I havent seen any business acumen at all
Its the start of the series and so we are culling the totally mad. But you do have to wonder how they short-list to this motley crew!

No idea what they were thinking with the technology challenge but it was a huge fail.
The thing that always gets me is how little knowledge of previous series some of the contestants seem to have, ie. they do or say things that anyone who's watched it before knows will piss off Lord Sugar. Robert was a dead man walking as soon as he ignored the 'advice' to be PM for the task.
turkeydinner and Stairs like this post
You've got to laugh at some of these 'great business men/women' claiming to be the best thing since sliced bread and then going out making total t!ts of themselves. Great TV
turkeydinner likes this post
It's a terrible programme. Just a huge ego trip for all concerned. God help us if this is the future. Doh

The TV execs choose the contestants that are going to clash or come across as total wallies. Much too obvious.
Cabbage is still good for you
Don't bother learning names this early in the series so you'll have to decipher my post.


The bald bloke was the right one to get fired. I mean, the t shirts should have been priority over 4 bags of potatoes Laugh He should have listened to the canadian bloke and picked up the t-shirts and sold the potatoes near by. Even if they had sold 6 t-shirts, they would have beaten the girls.

The blonde PM woman was lucky they won because she was a shambles as PM. If the girls lose and she is in the boardroom then SURELY she will be the one fired

Decadence though Laugh

Ep. 2

Both designs were terrible.

A grey jumper with lights would not catch my eye on the shelf and the camera was creepy. Daniel clearly is terrible at negotiating and cost the boys orders, "I wouldn't wear it in public" Doh Should have been fired.
The snobby prick who turned down PM was rightly fired. He wants to be in fashion, gets a fashion task and says it's not the market he want's to go into Laugh

That poor lass as PM was always going to be the scapegoat from the minute she was forcibly appointed.
The coat was ridiculous. Get rid of the lights and solar panels, put in a rechargeable battery and jobs a good 'en. The design of the jacket was terrible as well though.

God knows how this bunch have made it in business. Some of the gaffes they all make Laugh It's as though they have their brain wiped as soon as they walk into the boardroom
Stairs likes this post
Removed until we're actually on our way back  Doh
Another classic task - making and selling a product for margin. Really thought Roisin's team were going to do well until that numpty went rogue and started selling cheap. As soon as that started to happen their team was doomed.

Still a few make weights to cull before this gets tasty but must admit I thought Roisin showed promise. One of the first to come out of a task with positives.
I thought Roisin showed promise and also have to say she had excellent Tanya Roberts eyes
Was very nice to see the girl with integrity come honest about she was struggling fair play to her, didnt lie her way out the situation
yes the young numpty would definitely had have gone but Nuren was so bad I could guess the final decision, she was way out of her depth and did very little but chatter

The Geordie girl on the other team got it totally right, she might have sounded like a stuck record but low cost,high profit margin
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