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I was watching Channel 4 news earlier and as the reporter was reporting from Paris there were gunshots and people were running away, it turns out that it was a false alarm thankfully.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I have feared this for years. Football and other stadium sport is a relatively soft target. 

You have to remember that it's very hard to get guns and explosives into the UK. Plus our security services are extremely good. That is a comfort. But, outside of the U.K, as Paris is proof of this, it's easy to get weapons into the country. 

They found guns and rocket launchers in raids post.

You can drive through Spain to France unchallenged. I have done so as friends live on the French side of the boarder and we drive into Spain for the day and dinner. North Africa, Morroco, is a ferry away and ferries have sh1t security. 

With weapons available like that a stadium attack or other further attacks in Europe are very real. 

Thank god at least they failed to get into the stadium on this occaission, it's what they planned to do.
When we went to the Commonwealth Games at Hampden last year, the security was ridiculously over the top, with soldiers doing airport style security checks.
Or was it really ridiculously over the top?
Maybe, just maybe, it was so intense because they had received some intelligence report that something along the lines of the Stade de France attack was being planned in Glasgow. Who knows? It certainly seemed over done when we queued outside in the rain for two hours.
Is this a sign of things to come? Will there be this kind of security at the Euros in the summer?
I think it will be a sign of things to come and I think there will be a lot of security while the Euro's are on next summer. The worrying thing is how many are posing as refugees? They say around 4,000-10,000 are in Europe its like the Trojan horse all over again and what I don't understand is the fanatics come to the west and they hate our lifestyle and the way we live and then try and push there religion and there way of life on us and try and change our rules to suit them. There not killing in the name of religion because no religion or God would except what there doing its all to do with power and we are now trying to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
(17-11-2015, 01:50)spireitematt Wrote: There not killing in the name of religion because no religion or God would except what there doing its all to do with power

No, unfortunately, it is very much motivated by religion; everything they do is explicitly justified word for word in the mad, self-contradictory scriptures they follow.  There's a reason why they tearfully hug gay people before throwing them off buildings and victims of rape before they stone them to death: because they honestly believe that they're delivering their victims from a life of sin to divine forgiveness.

We'd like to believe that it's all about power for them, because to us that seems more sane and rational.  It's the kind of evil we can accept as being evil.  We struggle to cope with the fundamental concept that in the twenty-first century, people would actually genuinely believe they can create a utopia through murder and that such a project would be divinely blessed.  Maybe that's to our credit as a society; we are, apart from a few rum buggers here and there, a pretty decent bunch.  But if we ignore the fact that it's happened in every century of human history to date in the name of one cause or another, and is now happening again on our watch, then we're going to make this a thousand times harder to deal with.

Also, I wouldn't worry too much about numbers.  Most people of all religions are pretty decent types, just trying to do the right things (and, in the process, merrily ignoring the bits of their holy books which tell them to chop, maim, gouge and sow the earth with the blood of the unbelievers).  People in general have got a lot in common, and that will always be the key to defeating maniacs Thumb up
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