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Every Premiership team has lost crucial revenue due to the disastrous negotiating skills of Lawwell, Doncaster and Petrie, and the incredible decision by Stuart Milne to oppose the chance to take the financial control of Scottish game away from just one team.

Of course, none of that is the fault of Rangers. Indeed, Rangers seem to have been the initial go-to cash cow to make up the difference.

Even more incredulous is the pervading opinion that everything about Scottish football is just dandy.
(13-11-2015, 21:41)Maroon 1 Wrote:
(13-11-2015, 19:04)St Charles Owl Wrote: There is a line that needs drawing under a number of issues surrounding Rangers, problem is whenever lines are drawn by whatever authority draws them, its never accepted by one side or the other!!!  King is right in one thing he said in his statement, for the good of Scottish Football, this stuff needs resolving and put in the rear view mirror and the game needs to move forward together.  Armageddon was a strong word to use for the fate of Scottish football when Rangers first hit the rocks, but from what I see at the moment its a bit like suicide by asphyxiation!!

I don't see a single club that is struggling in the present climate because of the Rangers situation, and there are plenty examples of smaller clubs who have been able to make sums of money that would only have been available to them if they'd been drawn against Rangers in a one off cup tie. The light has been shone on the lower divisions this past 3 years and that has never happened in the past and won't happen again.
I totally understand why Rangers want back to the top league, and I also understand why the media do too, I even get why Celtic (secretly) miss their biggest rivals, but Scottish Football is NOT suffering.......not even a wee bit

I wasn't particularly referring to the financial state of the clubs, although  the whole of Scottish football suffered when the TV deal was negotiated without Rangers in the top flight, hopefully that one will be put right next time round!!  And with a few exceptions it was the clubs banks willingness to write off debt and settle for much less that saved a few clubs as well.  

I was really referring to the reputation of the game in Scotland both within Scotland and by those looking in from outside her borders.  Constant court cases, bickering between fans and clubs, incompetent or downright cheating refs, lack of good home grown talent, struggling National side etc etc.  Not all these things are the fault of, or indeed anything to do with Rangers, but there situation has certainly played a part due to its profile, but the decisions, or in a lot of cases the non-decisions made at the top of the game has hurt the sport in general.  Everyone from outside Scotland knows of the rivalries within the game and that sometimes those rivalries go well beyond football in their creation and execution, the hatred that exists between clubs and fans is well known and its something that you do not see in other countries on the mass scale you see in Scotland.  At the moment Rangers are the target for many of this hatred, but others clubs have been on the end of it for different reasons in the past, I just can't help thinking that the image that Scottish football portrays to the outside world is simply hurting it and until some of these issues are put to bed from a football perspective, this "perception" will continue.
Still a cash cow Trus, they are all at it this div too. Shame we cant use the Spanish model and negotiate our own TV contracts.
(14-11-2015, 00:43)supercooper Wrote: Still a cash cow Trus, they are all at it this div too. Shame we cant use the Spanish model and negotiate our own TV contracts.

While that would be great for Celtic and Rangers, it would really damage the rest of the teams in Scottish football.  Even in Spain they are looking into getting a collective tv deal for La Liga so that the whole of the top league can at least can do better going forward.  I would go as far to say that a tv deal for individual clubs could kill the game in Scotland eventually.
Football as a whole is a sport that will implode at some point, i adore Scottish football the enthusiasm banter etc. The reality is we are a product that nobody is interested in unless the price is right. How this is remedy'd is no idea but getting back to grass roots and having kids enjoying the game is a start.
(14-11-2015, 00:42)St Charles Owl Wrote:
(13-11-2015, 21:41)Maroon 1 Wrote:
(13-11-2015, 19:04)St Charles Owl Wrote: There is a line that needs drawing under a number of issues surrounding Rangers, problem is whenever lines are drawn by whatever authority draws them, its never accepted by one side or the other!!!  King is right in one thing he said in his statement, for the good of Scottish Football, this stuff needs resolving and put in the rear view mirror and the game needs to move forward together.  Armageddon was a strong word to use for the fate of Scottish football when Rangers first hit the rocks, but from what I see at the moment its a bit like suicide by asphyxiation!!

I don't see a single club that is struggling in the present climate because of the Rangers situation, and there are plenty examples of smaller clubs who have been able to make sums of money that would only have been available to them if they'd been drawn against Rangers in a one off cup tie. The light has been shone on the lower divisions this past 3 years and that has never happened in the past and won't happen again.
I totally understand why Rangers want back to the top league, and I also understand why the media do too, I even get why Celtic (secretly) miss their biggest rivals, but Scottish Football is NOT suffering.......not even a wee bit

I wasn't particularly referring to the financial state of the clubs, although  the whole of Scottish football suffered when the TV deal was negotiated without Rangers in the top flight, hopefully that one will be put right next time round!!  And with a few exceptions it was the clubs banks willingness to write off debt and settle for much less that saved a few clubs as well.  

I was really referring to the reputation of the game in Scotland both within Scotland and by those looking in from outside her borders.  Constant court cases, bickering between fans and clubs, incompetent or downright cheating refs, lack of good home grown talent, struggling National side etc etc.  Not all these things are the fault of, or indeed anything to do with Rangers, but there situation has certainly played a part due to its profile, but the decisions, or in a lot of cases the non-decisions made at the top of the game has hurt the sport in general.  Everyone from outside Scotland knows of the rivalries within the game and that sometimes those rivalries go well beyond football in their creation and execution, the hatred that exists between clubs and fans is well known and its something that you do not see in  other countries on the mass scale you see in Scotland.  At the moment Rangers are the target for many of this hatred, but others clubs have been on the end of it for different reasons in the past, I just can't help thinking that the image that Scottish football portrays to the outside world is simply hurting it and until some of these issues are put to bed from a football perspective, this "perception" will continue.

Unfortunately you've hit the nail on the head there with the hatred angle. I don't know who those trying to disguise their motives behind the 'sporting integrity' banner and similarly disingenuous arguments think they're actually fooling, but the fact is it's no one. Hatred is increasingly what fuels Scottish football and it'll ultimately burn itself up. Bad enough that it exists at the fan level, but when club representatives are actively participating in the charade they've given the monkeys the key to the zoo.
Ah, what they'll say to gather in Timmy's Tuppence and fill a few seats.


"Sporting integrity" - tour of Japan anybody?
But the source told Record Sport: “There is no need for Rangers to take such a stance and there is no point in people calling for titles to be stripped because it can’t happen.

“There is no legal vehicle for it to happen. They’ve already been found guilty – it’s double jeopardy, if you like. They can’t be re-tried for something they’ve been found guilty of.

“So many people on both sides of this argument are speaking without knowing the facts or the legalities.

“And on top of that, it is my understanding that there is little appetite from other clubs to strip Rangers of their titles, even if they are not coming out and saying it.”

Source -
Can't say there's been a huge clamour for it from players either who, if anyone, were actually affected. the press must have worked a long, long way down the list of footballing non-talents before they finally got a bite from Mumbai City's Darren O'Dea®.  Doh
Aye, it's not too difficult to see who's driving this bus.

McLaughlin, English, Spiers et al, stirring up a hornet's nest and the gullible hordes responding in predictable fashion.
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