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Who said your name was Ken?

Wow, paranoia running daft there.

It's a real shame, ken.
Who's this Ken??
No idea, but I find your line of questioning worrying. Why are you trying to find out who Ken is? What are you gonna do to him when you find him?

There's a strong whiff of 'psychopath' about you.

It's a real shame, ken.
Who's Ken??
I'm not telling you, and I'm not telling you where he lives either. He needs protected from psychos like you.

It's a real shame, ken.
Who's Ken??
It's top secret. He's safe from your evil for now. He did say that you were a witless cock though.

It's a real shame, ken.
O dear more denial

Where to start first trus and him asking for proof

“You'd have to prove that, though, and David Murray saying 'perhaps' isn't any kind of proof”
The David Murray statement at least puts doubt that dead co could have got the players it would need a full exploration to prove and “on the balance of probity” this would be provable.
In my and most reasonable peoples mind of course.

But I do love the hypocrisy of Mr trus demanding proof and when he gets it he resorts to ignoring it, denying its relevance or most likely just personal abuse.

As to Larry’s questions

1} How many players and how much money was involved ... do you know ?
simple if you look Larry, o it also explains the side letters

2} Would the players have come to Rangers anyway, irrespective of EBTs ?
Not all of them would have, it would only take 1 to have refused or can YOU prove all would have come regardless??
Otherwise why use than and why lie to both HMRC and the SFA about the existence of the side letters

3} If EBTs had not existed, would SDM have found another way of increasing the players' wages ?
Nope MIHs was running on empty after 2008, Rangers had made cumulative losses of nearly 200m, and had been riding high on free credit from Gavin Masterson at the Bank of Scotland, this tap was closed by Lloyds and they would not have allowed the extra 4 or 5 million required per annum

4} Is Rangers the only Club to have used tax avoidance scheme(s) and / or had an owner who spent beyond the Club's means ?
No Larry they are not but they are they only club to have been convicted of tax evasion, which is not avoidance.
They were also convicted by LNS of a crime “second only to match fixing”. Deliberately lying on registration documents, and returns to the SFA and fined for that.

So larry I hope that enlightens you, but I expect it will get ignored, denied and swept away
Keep Ken Safe!
Who's Ken
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