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Scottish Independence
The Republican nomination race is very interesting!! No one seems to be able to get traction against Trump, after all he does have a brilliant record of grabbing the limelight!! He could be a breath of fresh air by now having to follow lobby group or normal party politics or he could be a disaster, only time will tell. I do think people are thinking what the hell he can't be any worse than most politicians!!

I think Corbyn will push Labour too far to the left and make them unelectable just like the days of Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock, that could lead to more Tory election wins.
(23-10-2015, 05:37)St Charles Owl Wrote: I think Corbyn will push Labour too far to the left and make them unelectable just like the days of Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock, that could lead to more Tory election wins.

He's got a big following at the minute and he's changing politics as he wants a kinder politics and he asks the public for questions each week so he can ask Cameron at Question Time on behalf of the public. The problem is because 90% of the media is right wing they seem to character assassinate Corbyn like they did to Miliband and make comment on how he dresses etc than about his policies or what he stands for.

If the Tories are successful with changing the electoral boundaries then it will keep Labour out for a long time but I think after hitting the poor, disabled, unemployed and even working people I think the Tories will find it very difficult to get back in in 2020 but then again 5 years is a long time, things can change and people have short memories when it comes to voting and policies.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Unfortunately "kinder" politics usually means higher taxes to pay for that kindness!! That was a trap the old Labour Party fell into all the time, its great to offer socially responsible policies but they have to be paid for!!

Unfortunately in this media crazy age the way a politician looks has become important, they need to look statesman like and that they can do the job. Sure its all perception but if you are running the country you need to provide the image both domestically and internationally that you are the man to do it.

And Nicola finally calls a campaign to at least debate the possibility of having another indy referendum following the hijacked Brexit vote initiated predominantly in England and by English voters. I don't think she'll receive the required % response but I think she's absolutely right in 'calling it' and satisfying the huge groundswell of Scots (+ other relevant voters based in Scotland), who still back independence, in at least 'testing the water' to see if the 'mood' has changed in favour of separation. If that positive indy mood is confirmed then she'll move on it. If the status quo remains (IMO highly likely) then she'll do nothing more than run the country to the best of her ability as per the needs of the Scottish populace.
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