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2 things of long term significance to us have come out in recent days. The first is that Dave King's interview reveals we're still reliant on funding from him and the Three Bears. While that's understandable given the division we're in and we can expect revenues next season to pick up if we're promoted, the 2nd thing should give us some pause for thought. Despite Peter Lawwell's claims that Celtic's business model is not dependent on Champions League money, and repeated assertions that they don't need to sell players, their financial statements have again demonstrated both of these to be a lie. They've posted a £4m loss for last season which would have been £10.5 but for their gain on player sales (note that's profit on the sale, not just the act of selling someone to bring in cash), and last season would have had a loss of £6m but for player sales, and that was with Champions League money. They had extra income relating to the Commonwealth games in last year's numbers too, so it could have been even worse.

In short, it's more clear than ever that it's not sustainable to spend at even the level Celtic do without depending on circumstances that are far from guaranteed. We can't repeat the mistakes of the past and rely on extra funding to cover shortfalls, so realistically, even if we up our level in terms of transfers, I think we'll still have to get used to well judged loans, moderate spending on players on both fees (probably capped around £1m I would think) and, more importantly, player salaries. Next year could see a few more expensive additions, but long term my feeling is that we'll have to endure lean years at times, and what's going to be incredibly important is bringing in managers like Warburton capable of developing a young team and not dependent on a chequebook. I think King's approach is right in terms of trusting the manager to identify players to bring in and then giving them the funds, but like Warburton they'll have to earn a degree of trust to do that first.
I think the financial lessons have been well learnt, El Car.
Right from the start Mark Warburton has stressed the need to bring in players who add value to the Football Club. That combined with getting the squad to function as a unit and on the pitch as a team, indicates to me that there will be no expensive 'marquee' signings in the future.
The two compliment each other, players that add value and the playing style that is effective and entertaining, thereby attracting crowds on the basis of a quality product, rather than just their loyalty to Rangers.
Provided the business plan continues in this vein I see no reason why Rangers could not challenge and overcome Celtic from next season onwards.
The return of Rangers to the SPL will cause a rethink at Celtic, who will no longer be able to take their current standing for granted. If and if they do, how they adjust is anyones guess, but as Sir Geoffrey is quite fond of saying nowadays in a cricket context, 'It's not my problem !'.
Think it's clear that Celtic won't be able to strengthen in the manner many of their fans expect next season. They're slowly throttling themselves with huge wages and having to sell their better players each season to fund it. The only serious money they can get in from player sales now is from selling Gordon, and I'm not sure many cash rich English clubs would be falling over their chequebooks to sign him.

Broony and Commons (and their astronomical wages) are playing a blinder for our chances next season. The only down side is that Deila will get the boot soon if they don't shape up.
I wasnt aware their wage bill had grown so large tbh. I guess their income minus euro money will have reduced a bit but dont know. The price of buying and keeping exciting players like Brown etc.
I thought they were keeping their powder dry for a future time when they need it; may well still be the case. ... I hope gers dont go back down that road as its unsustainable, especially for us, who are in need of a number of years of stable management and players that want to play here and be a successful group. Personally I would take top 4 for a number of years while the club regains their foundations.
Even one of yer own former employees is saying yer club is a religion built on centuries of religious bigotry,like we never knew that of course hahahaha
Our club is a religion? Whoever said that is a f*cking idiot, so is anyone using it to point score.

What chance have we of sensible, reasonable debate about Rangers with this sort of shite thrown at us? El Car, I fear there is only one way to deal with this arsehole effectively.
Erm it's a quote from one of your former employees you idiot not me,I agree with him right enough.
Take your trolling and pathetic point-scoring somewhere else. All you are achieving here is making yourself look like an utter tool.
Trolling?? I'm merely pointing out that a former employee is Quoting.

Only tool here us you
No, you're trolling, no matter how you try to deny it. You can't help it, it's what you do. It's all you can do.

We'd like to have sensible intelligent and reasoned debate about Rangers on our board. You are a thread-killing, tedium-inducing hindrance to that. And you revel in it.
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