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Scottish Independence
(19-09-2014, 14:58)spireitematt Wrote: I believe the North of England should be allowed to govern their own affairs.

I don't think splitting up England into regions that govern themselves is the way forward!! For starters what is classed as the North of England?? I think the line runs under Yorkshire and Lancashire but many would disagree with that. England just needs to be able to look after its own affairs without interference from the other countries, and vice versa. Aside from foreign policy, defence and currency/basic tax issues, the rest should be devolved to 4 separate parliaments.
I don't mean splitting it up by North West, North East etc I mean the whole of the North should be allowed to govern their own affairs, Why should London and the South tell the rest of the us how to live our lives? The Government doesn't give Jack about the North because all there worried about is London and the surrounding areas of London and it doesn't matter who is in power its still the same. Politicians only care about the North of England when they want our votes other than that they don't. I don't think many people would disagree with it because they've been talking about it today and a lot of people the BBC have spoken to believe the North should be allowed to govern our own affairs and so do I.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I think SCO is saying where do you determine that the North begins? Our friends from west Brom don't consider themselves southerners.
Plus those same politicians who you say don't care about the North would simply become the politicians who run the North anyway!! Scotland was different, it didn't matter how they voted as it never affected a General Election result!! There is only one Tory MP in Scotland yet they are in power, whereas in the North of England there are many tories and labour seats, so its more representative of parliament as a whole. I am not saying the North shouldn't have more say, but we have MPs, we should be emailing them to demand more involvement for the North!!

Devolving more power to England as a whole will help all the regions but the change that needs to happen is the culture of MPs in general and to be fair the culture of society. In my lifetime we have swung from looking after the society as a whole to more of an "I'm alright Jack, not my problem!!" society and if we want to get back to a country where everyone has the chance to prosper that is where it should start. But I think we will never go back to those times, so we have to find a way to make sure the country as a whole prospers through job creation and then those that want to get on as such are able to do so.
(19-09-2014, 15:30)Amelia Chaffinch Wrote: I think SCO is saying where do you determine that the North begins? Our friends from west Brom don't consider themselves southerners.

Well people say the North begins at Watford Gap so draw the line there or draw it below West Brom.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
West Brom is the midlands, as is Derbyshire and Cheshire. I just don't think we need to be governing ourselves in the North, England, and the UK for that matter, is stronger as a single entity than it would be if it was split up into multiple states!! There is a sea change coming thats for sure, but it won't start until the next GE, then we will see who says what and who has the balls to really make changes.

I for one want London to be prosperous as well, its vital for the UK economy that London is strong both financially and on the international stage. I also would like to see people in England try to buy goods that are produced in England. I know thats not always possible, but where it is I would like to see home grown products pushed first. Controversially I would also genuinely and seriously look into privatising the NHS, it is a drain on the UK society and while it is a laudable institution, there is no government in the world that can afford it while keeping taxes low. If we want a top notch healthcare system, then we are going to have to pay for it, either through higher taxes or through health insurance!! And last time I looked, there is no appetite for UK income taxes to be raised to the level you see in say France, yet that is what is needed to fund it properly and to develop it as it should be done. I am not saying throw open the doors without regard, the UK is in a unique position to determine how it should be run and how it should be privatised, and how it should operate afterwards, but unless everyone wants to pay more tax then it needs market forces to come into play in some areas.
(19-09-2014, 16:03)St Charles Owl Wrote: West Brom is the midlands, as is Derbyshire and Cheshire.  I just don't think we need to be governing ourselves in the North, England, and the UK for that matter, is stronger as a single entity than it would be if it was split up into multiple states!!  There is a sea change coming thats for sure, but it won't start until the next GE, then we will see who says what and who has the balls to really make changes.

I for one want London to be prosperous as well, its vital for the UK economy that London is strong both financially and on the international stage.  I also would  like to see people in England try to buy goods that are produced in England.  I know thats not always possible, but where it is I would like to see home grown products pushed first.  Controversially I would also genuinely and seriously look into privatising the NHS,  it is a drain on the UK society and while it is a laudable institution, there is no government in the world that can afford it while keeping taxes low.  If we want a top notch healthcare system, then we are going to have to pay for it, either through higher taxes or through health insurance!!  And last time I looked, there is no appetite for UK income taxes to be raised to the level you see in say France, yet that is what is needed to fund it properly and to develop it as it should be done.  I am not saying throw open the doors without regard, the UK is in a unique position to determine how it should be run and how it should be privatised, and how it should operate afterwards, but unless everyone wants to pay more tax then it needs market forces to come into play in some areas.

I wouldn't say that Cheshire is in the midlands to someone who lives there they won't like that haha

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Which highlights the problem of "What is the North??".
Independance for The Black Country ......... NOW. DD  Thumb up  Thumb up



DD Big Grin Big Grin
You could just do it like they did in the old days with the Middle East. Whip out a ruler and pencil, draw a couple of lines to roughly designate the regions and that's your lot.
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