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(05-03-2015, 00:36)TheWorthinGer Wrote: King delays directorial appointment until stock exchante accept him as fit and proper.

Murray will be chairman....until King gets ok to take up seat on board.

Dreary Retort hail King as "owner in waiting" - what pish is this? When did he offer to buy up the shares?

I have seen this mentioned by fans on various places a few times!!  As you say, this is not a complete takeover, its a boardroom shuffle!!
"Lazy journalism" is an understatement.
We're getting very close to this decisive EGM now. Hopefully better, more exciting things ahead ,although we have to remember this is just the end of the beginning so to speak. We still have to get a new NOMAD, sort out who's going to be on the board (and who's allowed to be) and deal with the various funding issues, and that's before we go anywhere near the footballing side. New manager? Maybe. New scouting system? It's an absolute must, but will there be sufficient resources to make it a priority? New contracts? I hope so for some, hope not for some others.

I could go on, but there's a lot of work to be done over a long period of time. First thing's first: who is in control of RIFC? Watch this space.
Paul Murray will be in control initially, as interim chairman, whilst Dave King undergoes scrutiny ... but Paul Murray himself could also fall foul of the 'fit and proper person' criteria, so maybe it will be John Gilligan.

Skysports - Prospective Rangers chairman Dave King delays taking over at Ibrox
Murray can't fall foul of the F and P as it's in relation to the stock exchangs the Plc. Unless you know something that hasn't been reported?

The sfa rules only relate to the Club Ltd and it remains to be seen who will form that board of this entity once we have change.

Someone who knows what they are doing hopefully.
Dave King has given a interview on SSN today {05/03/2015}, summarised here.

Skysports - Dave King promises to be completely open with Rangers fans
A useful summary of what is and what may be.

Skysports - Rangers: What happens next?

King says 20 million required in short to medium term and he is willing to stump up half of it but expect Cohorts (Murray, Letham, Park, et al - oh, and Brian Kennedy wtf) to stump up the other half.

Money where your mouth is time.
It still remains to seen how we can turn things round financially to the point where we won't need more injections in future. We've been losing a lot of money unnecessarily in recent years, but we've also been NOT spending money that really needs to be spent. King's narrative has been subtly changing, and this board takeover is just about getting Rangers men on the board and seeing where we can go from there. I really don't think there's a masterplan, we'll probably just get loans from King and the Three Bears rather than from 'external' parties.

But even if and when we get back up to the top flight, it would be hard to sustain a much more expensive squad. You just have to look at Celtic, who can bring in greater matchday revenues than us but are still dependent on both high value player sales and sustained European football every year in order to turn over any profit. I think there's a formula out there that guarantees sustainability, but it's probably not one that guarantees success.
Fair points.
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