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(25-07-2024, 20:18)Imre varadi Wrote: I'm at my wits end my eldest daughter 22 told me yesterday of her future adventures and work plans which involves working in London ..this will be the first time for her on English soil and she'll be on her own in London with my family still in Sheffield ..I've had many talks with her about how she'll be a second class citizen as she's white and the dangers off England and it's fantastic diverse culture especially the sub Saharans and Muslims but like any young women she brushes this aside with the confidence of a twenty year old ....I'm very worried is an understatement but there's not much I can do about it apart from.advise and cross my fingers and hopefully get family to check in on her .

I know what you mean Imre, luckily my youngest has seen some sense and turned down a university place in Londonistan and decided to look closer to home or sack it off altogether and get a job while studying at the Open University.
Imre varadi and Statesideowl like this post
and complicated
It's completely understandable and not unreasonable to have such concerns when they're actually valid..

I don't have kids myself but can relate through the concern of loved ones.
Since I returned from the States my priority has been to get my folks as far away from the cities and the vermin as possible.

First move was Chesterfield to just outside Stoke, then 18 months ago the piece de resistance was getting us all nestled far, far fking away in the Highlands where there's no chance of us having to physically deal with it ever again.

The streets of Europe are far more dangerous now, especially for women.
The worst part is that victims of migrant rapes are either completely ignored by police, or their cases are presented in a humiliating way which portrays the victims as the ones at fault and the migrants as victims of circumstance. I know this not just from reading countless cases about it.
My cousin was raped by an Asian taxi driver taking advantage of her as she almost passed out drunk in his cab... I'll leave it at that though before I wind myself up.

It all makes decent people sick, which is why it's no coincidence there's recently implemented 'hate speech' laws which only apply to the natives that are getting raped, stabbed, intimidated and robbed.
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
My wife won't even get a taxi in broad daylight nowadays. On a girls night out it's up to the husbands/partners to take turns acting as taxi driver and making sure they all get home safely no matter how drunk they are.

And I agree about where you live SS, that's why I spend nearly all my holidays up there Thumb up it's not just the whisky I like but the fact I've never met one of them on a distillery tour yet Laugh

Oban and Mull in October, Pitlochry in February and Skye in May are already booked Thumb up and I'm hoping to do Islay and Jura next August Cool
Statesideowl likes this post
and complicated
That's probably the best solution to the problem, remove even the slightest chance of becoming a statistic that is gaslit or ignored by those meant to help and protect you.
It's a fact that my family, like many others never received justice for it.
My disdain is well earned and deserved from a lifetime of negative interactions, regardless of how initially passive and kind I was.

I can't with it anymore. I'll stand against Islam until my final breath.
It isn't compatible with western culture or values.
A violent cult which is hostile to all native European cultures.
Islam's very doctrine is to destroy and replace other cultural/religious groups. This is part of its teachings!!
Peaceful verses were replaced by modern Hadiths, which carry the sentiment of violence towards infidels.
This ideology is pumped out in mosques throughout Europe.

Any non-muslim actively advocating on behalf of Islam is frankly a f**king imbecile and not armed with enough information. Some are wilfully ignorant because it means their entire blue haired belief system is wrong..

And, as I've mentioned before, people find it much easier to shut down and blame you/me than to actually work through the cognitive dissonance and conclude they're wrong about the religion of murder and rape.
It's a total kop out.. to call someone 'racist' simply because the truth is too uncomfortable.
This is normalised behaviour now..

The solution!?
Yes, there is one but it means giving up things you enjoy. Small price to pay for future security and safety. Those who can are moving.
There's a mass exodus of white natives leaving the cities, those who can still afford it.
Too many people don't realise they're getting trapped.
Property prices are now unsustainable meaning many now live in negative equity homes, primarily working class natives.

White working class are trapped like rats, unable to buy even one home through a lifetime of work. Inter-generational mortgages are now a reality for whitey.. Your kids will finish paying off the property, and dont forget inheritance tax when you pass it over.

Yet, somehow, Ahmed the taxi driver who came 50yrs ago has bought four houses on his taxi wage. I know this because I used to clean his windows 25yrs ago. What's the inheritance tax on four houses then? Get fk out of here with it, 'vulnerable ' community my arse.
That's one example of millions rinsing the system whilst HMRC do fk all. Why? Because they're in every position they need to be in order to benefit their communities with resources..

As expected, the piggy that kicked that rat in Manchester airport is toast. The pressure and power our muslim community have on the Government is palpable
News media are completely playing down muslim violence yet again. I wonder why the rat became so hostile when authorities wanted to search what was being smuggled under the burqa?
Gee, I wonder.. Doh

Anyone stupid enough to believe the same language, coverage and outrage would apply to a white native?
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

So many of us keep trying to tell people.. Ignore the Government and media bullshit. It isn't safe.
These rats will prey on the infidel tourist's naivety..

We've not even hit the opening ceremony yet and we've had the Australian bike teams car robbed and tourists robbed and raped.

It should also be noted, muslim women are never the victims of these gang rapes, I wonder why that could be..

Gutter... Culture..

Right on cue... Violent Rat's lawyer claiming brain injury and traumatised family as a result of racist police action lmao
Hundreds protesting, putting pressure on our sh*t scared Government.
The rat was kicked as a consequence of its behaviour, for crying out loud. He wasn't just set upon by Police for no reason, he assaulted a female and broke her nose. I'm not saying its right but he definitely deserved it hes not a victim.
I despise the controlled media and state narrative that inherently portrays muslims as victims.

It gets worse, listen to the lawyer... He says he was chosen by Allah to stand against the Zionist regime. Not only is he inciting racial hatred with his statement but this is a Christian country, not Jewish. This rhetoric is dangerous and deliberate. This radical extremist mentality is being allowed to propagate. Why aren't the Police knocking on his door??? Honestly, what the actual fark is being allowed to happen here? This is also the same Akhmed Yakoob with links to people who exploited minors in Telford....
And look at this wanker pose with and boast about having 1m in luxury cars.. HMRC, nothing more than Ahmed looking after Ahmed like the DWP and other bodies of resource.

Meanwhile, where are the protests for the soldier that was stabbed countless times in a racist hate crime ??
Where's the media coverage? The outrage?
The 'trauma' to their family..?
Is there not a lawyer for him that GOD chose?

Also, let's add the fact that Israel still play some sporting events behind closed doors for "security concerns"
Again downplaying how there's a religious group, so hostile and violent they could attack the event itself causing harm to others.
So it's easier to have no crowd...

The UK is Muslim and they're running for themselves it through political influence and intimidation. Just look at what is happening, the deliberate attempts to obfuscate and portray the transgressors as victims. The 'outrage' and threat of violence from the 'peaceful' community.
Ministry of truth tells lies and the ministry of love spreads hate.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
It was probably white, Christian, heterosexual, paedophile men, dressed up as Muslim's, who arranged to set off those devices in support of the state of Israel and their right to exist in a secret plot to portray Islam in a bad light Whistle

'Imagine' if John Lennon was still alive Cool
Statesideowl and Imre varadi like this post
and complicated
Kier the dalek has spoken up for his Muslim mates ...if there's no civil war after 4 years of this c@nt then it's never going to happen and the end is near for British people .
The way I see it is clear ..the boomers are screwing the votes up with blue or red .. generation x are the only sane voters but they are getting shit on bye what they spawned ..the Millennial and z the absaloute Dogshit of human garbage....will generation alpha have none of the millennial or z ? I'm.trying !

The defining moment could be sending the millennials and z to a proxy war in Ukraine so they can learn first hand about all the bullshit and become educated ! Second the USA has to die it has become the virus of the world so while i agree with trump ..if he gets in I don't see him sorting out much in the next 5 years but yet another merry go round till the pedos and rapists get there way again.

Other news ....mayo zamborada has been captured by the gringos today at the age of 71 pmsl ...
The Olympics opening ceremony Laugh
The absolute state..

Khan had a group of ULEZ protestors arrested after claiming they caused him 'Distress' the rat that he is.

One woman who recently underwent spine surgery was pushed to the ground in a heavy handed approach by police..
Again, no one cares as these were natives.

It's clear our elites have been bedfellows with the religion of evil for some time.
Through treason and treachery the lower classes have been sold down the river as bargain to leave the elite class alone. Their time will come though, eventually.. The wealthy like Sunak know this already and have homes in America. They're fully aware they've lit the paper.

The language and rhetoric being used to enable the Islamic community should worry people. Constantly on egg shells with these peaceful people..
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Yep put the Olympics in the bin for me ... How can any normal person think this is right ? Forget the gay element which is against the family but the satanic evil messages which we saw by the way in the London Olympics being pushed yet again ...2030 is going to be a hell of a year because we can't shake these evil globalist satanic jews off as they control the money ...what where our grandfather's thinking ffs ..

They'll always show their true colours...
It's ridiculous enough that NYC has Muslim Community Patrol cars that emulate Police cars driving around 'muslim areas' claiming to be extra security for their mosques...

It is what it is, and if people can't see the Islamic colonisation of the West then there's nothing to be done, they've succumbed to brainwashing.
Much of Africa is now muslim as more and more Christians are slaughtered and removed from areas every day, it doesn't make TV news.

However, Europe isn't discussing this Islamic colonisation of Africa due to the ceaselessly propagated anti-white sentiments.
We're still being forced to apologise for European colonisation, daily..
We're not allowed to discuss the transgressions of Muslim's, the narrative is clear, they're a protected species and the Globalist are using the pond life to destabilise entire continents.
Muslim migration only moves west.
The poison will never move east as Saudi Arabia are throwing oil money around like confetti. They also shoot and bomb migrants at Saudi borders!!
No screaming about muslim human rights over there.. No political pressure for human rights and not a single black lives matter dikhead to be seen Doh

People need to get clued up but it isn't happening. Their delicate sensibilities have too long held them back from sensible and critical thought. Mullah said you'd be conquered through your own liberalism and we have been.

Finally, the middle classes are feeling it. After sneering and looking down on their perceived lessers for decades..
Now they too are feeling everything we've been through and although it's horrible I don't sympathise as these enablers are the same people who admonished the working class as "racists" or "xenophobes" Just so they could basque in their own pomposity giving each other butt pats.
Now look at the state we're in!

The cancer is now so aggressive and rampant, the only way to kill it is systemically.. never going to happen when it's so heavily enabled and backed..

Europeans need to understand, you can't just keep carrying on as if this isn't happening. Burying heads in the sand.
"Well it hasn't happened to me so it can't be happening "
This is one of the worst attitudes to adopt.. Today it's not you, but it is someone else, someone like you..
You're the ones silently watching as other's suffer. And when it's finally your turn and they come for you, nobody's going to be there to help you, and you'll probably wonder why it's happening to you..
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
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