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Makes you wonder what persecution they are fleeing from in Spain, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Holland and France  Whistle

We all know that 99% of them are economic migrants hoping for a three bedroomed house, car, mobile phone and a bottomless pit of benefits on the UK taxpayer whilst the rest of Europe waves them through and laughs at us  Angry

Like the BBC Thumb up I blame everything on climate change Laugh
Statesideowl likes this post
and complicated
Paying Macron to Police his own beaches is one of many Ignorant things we continue to do.
There's numerous videos circulating of the gendarmerie just stood watching illegals climbing into the backs of lorries bound for the UK.
Those other EU countries have only dealt with a fraction compared to the UK and for decades less too. It's destroying their own cultural identities also. The Swede's don't know how to cope with it.
There's nobody left to ask the right questions or call the bullcrap out as it arises.

They don't need to hope for a house. As long as they're from the correct religious community Mr. Khan set aside housing in north London for the NLMHA (North London Muslim Housing Association) something which went completely under the radar
Every major city council runs the same way all through the country, resources and priority to the same community.
The glorious policy of Positive discrimination has made sure positions of employment where resources are allocated or handled are filled by said members of the community, who then make sure their own are taken care of whilst making it almost impossible for everyone else to access or simply disqualify them altogether...

Ever had a roofing grant to get your slates done?
And that's just one example.

It really does go on though, mate. It's truly insidious in nature. Laugh
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Meanwhile the great unwashed are having to choose between heating and eating Angry

and never mind the boss of Shell raking in a £9m plus salary last year Doh
Statesideowl likes this post
and complicated
Yep.. paying the French to do fk all about those illegals just as I was saying.
Free money to the frogs whilst the NHS is in tatters.
Nurses, Ambulance workers and Firemen need and deserve a pay increase.
They're called scroungers for asking to match inflation (11%) but some Policeman says the pigs deserve 17%

As for those greedy share holders receiving huge paydays from dividends... Look no further than the entire Tory and Labour cabinets to see who has shares in these companies that are breaking the backs of the peasants.
It's absolute fukkery from every conceivable angle and there's nobody, nobody to represent us or stand up or begin to ask questions or point fingers.

Why are farmers having to dump milk and eggs again? Because of sheer greed at the top level it's that simple.
The English serf is absolutely fked, absolutely fked and barely even aware of it.
Those that are aware get an even shittier end of the stick for having the audacity to talk about it, from Tory scum to the Islamification of the Country. It's all a 'No-No'

Just seen that Linekar has been told to step down from Match of the Day and now Shearer, Wright are virtue signalling on his behalf as if he's a victim!
People have been losing their jobs and getting cancelled for the dumbest nonsense and nobody cared until now that there's a virtue signalling opportunity FFS
These bleeding heart buffoons think everything except the sound of indigenous backs breaking is unfair.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Crikey.. it's almost top story.
Talk about a fantastic distraction opportunity for the Tories

It's funny when and where these Clowns draw the line isn't it?
The amount of people that have lost their jobs for violating the terms of a contract with an employer by saying shit on social media in recent years has sky rocketed.
There's no whining about the shutzstaffel when it comes after the Serf though, eh
Jug ears hasn't even lost his job like other people, this privileged fella just has to take some time off his ludicrously high salaried position.
These pricks start virtue signalling then suddenly it's a wonderful hill to die on ffs
His publicity stunt a few years back housing a small group of vetted and genuine refugees was just another finger up at those dealing with the genuine problem of Islamic communities or economic migration.
There no good argument for it, hence why the debate is forever skewed by shifting focus on to the miniscule, teeny tiny number of genuine refugees and not undocumented military age Muslim men from wherever they feel like telling you they're from...
The enabling, pandering and downright stupidity is infuriating. It's the only proof you need to know it's being allowed from the top down, they're in bed with it.

For now though, Jug ears is a good distraction and the Muppets little hearts can bleed for him while they left us drowning long ago..
Get tae fook!!!!
Maddix likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Yep it's easy to signal virtue from leafy Barnes, but it won't be him that is pushed further down the pecking order in regard to housing, health and education as the newbies will go straight to the top pf the pile.
Statesideowl and Maddix like this post
Why should a man go to work, if he has the health and strength to stay in bed?
(11-03-2023, 09:33)themaclad Wrote: Yep it's easy to signal virtue from leafy Barnes, but it won't be him that is pushed further down the pecking order in regard to housing, health and education as the newbies will go straight to the top pf the pile.

Yep, we could actually pay the teachers a decent wage and employ a lot more if the schools didn't have to employ so many translators.
Statesideowl and themaclad like this post
and complicated
Some Players have contacted the PFA to say they refuse to do post match interviews in 'Solidarity' with Gary....

Again, what these cnuts draw the line at is amazing. The elderly starving to death in the dark and cold because they can't pay their bills after a lifetime of paying in NI. They can fk off apparently like the Ambulance workers and Firemen and all front liners.... but Gary and hus virtue signalling group of enablers?
That's where they draw the line...
Someone needs to illuminate the reality of the situation, they need shaming and ridiculing.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
(11-03-2023, 11:15)Statesideowl Wrote: Some Players have contacted the PFA to say they refuse to do post match interviews in 'Solidarity' with Gary....

Laugh It's f'ucking Sky and BT et al who pay their inflated wages not the BBC Doh thick c'unts
and complicated
It's all just so stupid. But he's a great distraction and will be utilised as such.
The beeb and Tories can definitely go hang themselves, not a shred of dignity or morality among them.
Let's make no mistakes though, Gary Linekar is not a victim here, those portraying him as such do the genuine victims a disservice.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
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