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A monarchy-Brit establishment monopoly for years to come - a realistic future?

After witnessing, ad nauseum, the Brit media frenzy of 24 hour "wall to wall" positive coverage/propaganda for weeks n weeks of all things Royal plus our Police service acting like some kinda security force from the likes of Russia with instructions to suppress any kinda opposition or free speech (see above for an alternative impartial Police view of this sham) covering an alternative view of how the monarchy is regarded, isn't it about time that a serious debate should be brought up re reforming the whole Royal institution, the eyewatering finances and assets attached to it and its most unhealthy relationship with the establishment elites in this country???? Surely such a debate has been overdue for decades??? Some of the new monarch's decisions have already been frowned upon and are IMO downright wrong and insensitive to public opinion. Is this just the start of a new phase in exceptionalism and arrogant disregard to public opinion and the fact we are hurtling towards a huge cost of living crisis while the monarchy and its 41 "hangers on" continue to "dip into the public purse" and take advantage of other huge benefits that are only applicable to them?? It has also become clear to me that all governments in this country are frightened of the monarchy and "do not want to upset the applecart" while there are millions and millions of citizens who want some kinda change (from radical to moderate) seriously imposed on King Charles III (II in Scotland) and his cohorts. Remember, this is the same Charles who was touting huge reform of the institution a number of years ago, but clearly silenced well before his accession to the throne. Also the billions of quid that have somehow been "found" by the Brit govt covering the recent past events plus more for next year's coronation events really should be "called into question" by the citizens (not subjects btw!!) of any modern, progressive civilised country that has endured such life-changing crises and challenges of the past few years. IT IS TIME FOR THAT NATIONAL DEBATE, AND A FULLY COMPREHENSIVE ONE AT THAT WITH ALL INTERESTED PARTIES PROPERLY REPRESENTED.
0762, I'm happy to put in my tuppenceworth to this debate in reply to points raised by you.

I agree about the media frenzy, but I found it all too repetitive and quite easy to ignore when I wanted to.

I'm all for getting rid of the Royal hangers-on as well, and I gather King Charles III is too. So let's see what happens. As far as I'm aware, he is KCIII of Scotland as KCI and KCII were Kings after the Union Of The Crowns and were Kings of Scotland.

And remember this is the same Charles who spoke out on the dangers of climate change and abusing the environment 50 years ago, but clearly was silenced/ignored by governments who are obviously not afraid of the monarchy.

As for the cretinous behaviour of the protesters in Edinburgh who abused a member of the Royal family at his mother's funeral procession, words really fail me. I just hope that these protesters receive the same abuse at their mother's funeral, so they find out what it feels like. I applaud the principle of freedom of speech, but with freedom comes responsibility - sadly lacking by these protesters.

As I say, it's only worth tuppence, but still my opinion.
Cabbage is still good for you
Well said ritchie re certain protests in Edinburgh, BUT there were others elsewhere in the country that involved highly questionable Policing of peaceful protesters and there were even cases of Police actually stalking anti Royal protesters as well. There was even a Police representative on Brit state television more or less intimating that assaults of peaceful protesters by other people on the street were acceptable - THAT IS NOT RIGHT AND THIS PERSON SHOULD'VE BEEN QUICKLY CORRECTED RE THE IMPARTIAL POLICING THAT IS REQUIRED OF ALL POLICE PERSONNEL!!! Re the media frenzy, IMO it was much more than that - this was a major assault by the establishment, and its alliance with the monarchy, in attempting to impose a new stranglehold (a new era of conveyor belt monarchy) of power on the population, the likes of which I've never witnessed in my lifetime - easy to ignore, yes, but the whole premise of what was actually being presented for days n days n days ad nauseum was prodigious in the extreme. Indeed, there was one Royal observer on the radio who came out with a ridiculous statement that a recent survey had shown that 1 in 2 people had broken down in tears re the passing of the Queen. Lets have a quick look at that nonsensical insinuation: I reckon over a quarter of the population are teenagers and younger. If there were more than 5% of them shed a tear, it would be a minor miracle, so we are already around 70%-75% of the population!! I could go on, but leave it at that: crap - utter guff!! I could add the suggestion by many MPs of some kinda indoctrination of sainthood to QEII??? Some idiots even preaching a deity level of reverence. This is well up there with the unthinking Royal fanaticism attached to people and govt in Thailand, a country which I've visited on a number of occasions and the mindset re their monarch is that of him being a god like creature. This changed in recent times when it was discovered said monarch had been taking millions n millions of public money out of the country to Germany - what a "wake up call" that was for millions of people within the Thai population, but a complicit govt allowing it to happen with no retribution??? Anyway, in reality, despite the Tory controlled bbc, and the billionaire controlled mainstream media trying to portray to the rest of the world that people over here are walking around the streets dressed in black, bumping into each other as they are blinded by floods of tears - the truth is, NOTHING COULD ACTUALLY BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!
Charles may have spoke out against climate change but his own estates and businesses are exempt from any green legislation voted through by parliament via the Queens intervention. I might take him a bit more seriously if he does something about that.

I'll cut to the chase though, i don't see any need in 2022 for anyone "born to reign over us". I mean thats just silly, santa claus level stuff.

As for Andrew, he's an absolute scumbag predator who has had his victim paid off by the public purse. He was taken out the public eye for a reason. He received fairly mild, accurate criticism on the royal mile and in return the protestor was assaulted and arrested. There were also other worrying instances of protestors in edinburgh being harassed by police officers which is more troubling.

There is nothing wrong with being opposed to the monarchy. Its not an extremist position in the slightest.
0762 likes this post
Well said Jim!! Thumb up What is really sad is the huge number of people in the country who willingly "breeze" past these disturbing events and indiscretions as though nothing has happened - in total denial of the reality of this kinda threat to our society and our fundamental moral values as well.

If you ever write a book you may need to make your titles shorter
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

(27-09-2022, 12:18)hibeejim21 Wrote: Charles may have spoke out against climate change but his own estates and businesses are exempt from any green legislation voted through by parliament via the Queens intervention. I might take him a bit more seriously if he does something about that.

I'll cut to the chase though, i don't see any need in 2022 for anyone "born to reign over us". I mean thats just silly, santa claus level stuff.

As for Andrew, he's an absolute scumbag predator who has had his victim paid off by the public purse. He was taken out the public eye for a reason. He received fairly mild, accurate criticism on the royal mile and in return the protestor was assaulted and arrested. There were also other worrying instances of protestors in Edinburgh being harassed by police officers which is more troubling.

There is nothing wrong with being opposed to the monarchy. Its not an extremist position in the slightest.

This is great news IMO!! The two guys who assaulted that young protester on The Royal Mile are now being charged with assault!! Thumb up I must say no matter what the criticism of such a protest against this Royal predator, the action by this pair was downright wrong and I look forward to a judge imposing the requisite punishment in due course and not just a "slap on the wrist".

This bias was well "covered up" at the time and yet truly appalling coming from a national broadcaster, part of a lengthy list of rightful criticisms that covered the lickspittle-covered media coverage during the period of mourning and the funeral.
So it transpires that the Proclaimers have been "kicked off" the coronation playlist because of their anti-monarchy views that they have previously uttered in different interviews on music-media channels - that will be a "badge of honour" in the eyes of many resident Scots!!! How petty it becomes eh esp when it is very clear that a huge chunk of the population don't support a Royal Family and the hugely obscene amounts of money (plus public money thrown in!) attached to the whole institution! I'm sure Charlie and Craig Reid won't lose any sleep at all re such a crass decision coming from lickspittle officials of the House of Windsor. The boys had no time for them anyway and explained precisely why they felt that way and also why Scotland has to be an independent country well away from the whole concept of Brit govt interference, being bullied by govts Scots don't vote for, and the Brit establishment/govt impudently "ripping off" Scotland for generations!!
(24-04-2023, 21:17)0762 Wrote: So it transpires that the Proclaimers have been "kicked off" the coronation playlist because of their anti-monarchy views that they have previously uttered in different interviews on music-media channels - that will be a "badge of honour" in the eyes of many resident Scots!!! How petty it becomes eh esp when it is very clear that a huge chunk of the population don't support a Royal Family and the hugely obscene amounts of money (plus public money thrown in!) attached to the whole institution! I'm sure Charlie and Craig Reid won't lose any sleep at all re such a crass decision coming from lickspittle officials of the House of Windsor. The boys had no time for them anyway and explained precisely why they felt that way and also why Scotland has to be an independent country well away from the whole concept of Brit govt interference, being bullied by govts Scots don't vote for, and the Brit establishment/govt impudently "ripping off" Scotland for generations!!

Out of curiosity why on earth would The Proclaimers even be on the coronation playlist in the first place? Its like say Gary Glitter is off it as well, when the reality is they were never remotely near it in the first instance!! Surely this is just a shit stirring story by someone!!

Besides, Charles ain't ever walking 500 miles anywhere, he has trains, planes and automobiles at his disposal to do that for him!! Whistle
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