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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Deflection and procrastination - the two most important assets a Tory Minister has got.
Cabbage is still good for you
And one wonders why there are millions n millions of people like myself who despise the Tories with a passion and have done for decades. I abhor the Conservative Party and have a contempt for all those who represent it. That won't change. Indeed, it has morphed into the Brexit cabal that rules Westminster. And this current gang has only compounded the major feature which alienates so many of the electorate: THEIR CONSTANT LYING WITH THEIR LEADER, THE CLOWN PRINCE, AT THE FOREFRONT OF THIS CHARADE AND HE DOESN'T PRETEND TO TELL THE TRUTH ANY LONGER - A SCIENCE OF OBFUSCATION, DOWNRIGHT FALSEHOODS REPEATED AD NAUSEUM. And the Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, recently demanded an "end to hatred" against MPs and a kinder form of political discourse. Time to stop the shameless lie-telling and other forms of unacceptable behaviour in the parliamentary debating chamber SLH. And also about time he did his job properly in presiding over a lotta these shameless shenanigans on his "watch"!! IMO everyone will behave next week. Thereafter? I predict Hoyle's vacuous plea will go unheeded - SADLY NO WAY BACK UNLESS STRICT REFORM OF THE RULES IS ADMINISTERED ON SPEAKING PROTOCOL, BEHAVIOUR ETC.
Sajid Javid predicted the prospect of 100k new Covid cases a day and now we've recorded 52k, well on the way to achieving his target - probably the only target the Tories will achieve!

Boris the undead confirms that Plan A will continue in operation and urges everyone to get the jabs they are entitled to. Even a real zombie would appreciate that getting jabs will not stop you getting Covid. You can still pass on Covid to all and sundry after multiple jabs.

I really think he should be sectioned under The Mental Health Act as he seems to be determined to follow Jair Bolsonaro's Covid plan. Everything's fine, it'll go away after killing a few thousands more, just let it run it's course.  Doh
0762 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
52k new Covid infections declared yesterday and the most intelligent comments I heard yesterday came came from an American WHO professor. She was clearly very knowledgeable and experienced re the Covid outbreak and the proper ways to tackle it. The obvious ones are the fundamental ones said she: "Caution, using face masks, washing hands regularly etc. "Why has the UK 'diluted' the basics", she asked, "Esp when one studies these alarming figures"? I notice that it looks like Bolsonaro is gonna be pursued/poss prosecuted re his negligent role in allowing huge numbers of Brazilians to die from Covid infections. IMO the same applies to Johnson and others - populists with their own selfish and narrow political agenda, all practising in the same way
I forgot to also mention that deplorable image yesterday from the HOC debating chamber where one could clearly see opposition MPs wearing masks while across the chamber few Tories wearing masks!!!??? Then that toffee-nosed runt, Rees-Mogg, coming out with his usual impudent defensive line that Tories don't need to wear masks because "we are a close-knit group etc"!!?? The "blood hitting the top of my skull" couldn't be ignored by myself and I immediately changed the tv channel in utter rage!! He was apparently "slaughtered" by lotsa qualified public health officials and others on social media. But these morons don't care as Covid still "runs riot" down south and warnings are being put out by some public health officials that the COP26 events up here in Scotland could impact on our efforts to control it. I agree with Ritchie's view on sectioning some of these mental c####, but what amazes me is what is wrong with the observing population down south? Is this significant proportion of the electorate oblivious to the obvious or are the people just "paralysed" due to sheer apathy or fear???
It's the perfect conditions for a new variant to appear now isn't it ?Partial vaccination, a chaotic rollout for boosters and basically allowing the virus to spread now via mixed messaging and a refusal to listen to the scientists and the NHS.....even when they say they are.

The tories just don't give a shit. They not even trying to hide it...
Prof Adam Finn (JCVI) - “Vaccines were never going to be enough to keep the spread under control."
Yet Boris says the opposite....Whilst telling us all he is listening to the scientists.

Usual mental gymnastics instead of just applying some common sense.
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We don't hear too much about how badly Europe are doing compared to us now eh ?
They own most of the press/media Jim, some of whom are thankfully "breaking ranks"!! When the management of this kinda crisis was so obviously awful and clear for all to see, this negative outcome was always gonna eventually "bite them on the bum"!! I must also say that the previous political jingoism of the Tories so-called achievements (compared with other nations), and bragging about it, was downright "gutter politics" in the extreme - it's a public health crisis where people's lives are at stake and lotsa dedicated operators in the NHS need as much respect and support as possible - IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!
I have just got back to the US having spent 10 days in the UK and I was surprised that most people in the UK are not wearing a mask, especially inside stores and only about 50% of people were wearing one at Heathrow. My sister works in a public school and even there there is no mask mandate!! Obviously there have been hotspots in the US, particularly in Trump backed Red states but my reference is California where I live.

We have a population of about 40m, the bulk of which is densely packed into two main areas - Southern CA and the Bay Area. The Governor had us in lockdown initially but since May of last year we have been doing regional mandates and have had no lockdowns since. LA county is currently under a mask mandate, Orange County where I live is not and this is all based on the number of hospitalizations and availability of hospital beds. Schools have mask mandates, as do buses, trains and planes, but shops, restaurants etc do not.

This policy has seen us record half the amount of cases and deaths that the UK has seen with about 2/3rds of the population. But not all this is down to the government, even without mask mandates the vast majority of people wear masks when in stores or walking through restaurants. I think the UK population also needs to take some responsibility and they need to wear masks where it makes sense. We don't need to be told by the government when or where it is important to wear masks, we have been in this long enough to know!!

The UK policy feels a bit like the US red states with the exception that a number of red states are not even recommending getting the vaccine!! The vaccine is crucial, Boris is right with that but it is so much more effective when combined with mask wearing, social distancing and washing hands and this should be the message (and policy) from the Government, but as I say we as citizens know what we should do and in the UK they are not despite seeing the numbers rising, whereas here in CA even without mandates people are doing it and the numbers continue to fall. The government is full of idiots, of that there is no doubt but the general population might just be the same!!
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