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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
But compare her with a "red Tory" called Ian Murray MP. His anti-democratic comments are just unbelievable when it comes to talking about the Scottish constitution. Voted in by tactical voting Tories in Edinburgh south, he is well up there amongst the "scum" that Angela Rayner described in her speech!! Also there could be no clearer message from Starmer and Murray: Labour presents no real change to Johnson's government and a recent OP confirms that fact. It's a dismal prospect: elect us and we'll do nothing, or express your will (in Scotland) as an overwhelming alternative to the disaster zone that is the British State and we'll ignore you (and the trade unions who recognise the significant "swing" of their Scot members towards Scotindy!!). British democracy, either way (Tory or Labour), is pretty much "broken", as are the wastelands of poverty it presides over. And Murray's attitude is astonishing - a mixture of old school false class consciousness mingled with a dollop of "Muscular Unionism" and a solid dose of "Compulsory Britishness"!!! Thumb down
Murray commenting this week that the Scot people should engage in UK politics??? What a cheeky bastard TBF!! Someone should remind him that by electing MPs, the Scot people ARE engaging with UK politics - it is called an election in what is purported to be a functioning democracy!! IF YOU DON'T WANNA ACCEPT THE OUTCOME OF THAT ELECTION THEN YOU SHOULD JUST SAY SO!!
You have enough other threads for your Indyref rants 0762, it's not that I disagree with you but this is a Bodgit thread. You might also want to keep an eye on the accountancy practices of the wee wifey and her wee hubby when it comes to ring fencing money given to them specifically for your beloved next Indyref vote. Just saying for a friend who is getting bored of reading the same stuff on every thread. If I could vote for you to leave I would, just so you know where I stand.

"The government is suspending competition law to allow oil companies to work together to deliver fuel to filling stations in urgent need of suppliess after days of panic buying." - BBC News website.

Now given that price fixing, collusion and all that isn't allowed, and they all fill their road tankers from the same small number of refinery/storage depots (try driving past one) how is that all gonna shake out? If none of them have enough drivers to deliver to their own petrol stations, how are they collectively suddenly get enough to deliver to each other? It's not like these guys are sitting on their arses smerkin fags while not delivering petrol now is it? Or heaven forbid - smerking fags while making a delivery?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
Point noted, but it's not an indyref rant Theo. Rants and deserved criticism (in this case based on broadcast radio or tv comments) are two different things. The Murray comments were made on Fri and also today, Sun morning, on bbc radio and they are relevant to ridiculous comments made preceding the Labour Party conference as well as being relevant to Starmer's lack of popularity compared with Johnson, plus his recent Scotland visit and the Scottish situation re the Scot Lab Party's weak position up here and still as undemocratic as it gets! I'll concede this thread should prob be moved to the Starmer/New Labour leadership OP, not the Scotindy one. Btw re that slur against the FM and "hiving away Scotindy money", there is absolutely no evidence that corroborates this shit and that particular piece of fiction has been "kicked into the long grass" quite a long time ago - no Police investigation pending and it "ran out of steam", just another shameless political "wind up" up here, one of many!! Thanks for the support btw!! Thumb up Good lad! Smile

Now back to Johnson and this latest Brexit govt botch up, don't you think the reaction of the public panic buying down south at the petrol pumps "speaks volumes" re any kinda trust remaining in this Brit government, a government that assured the public there was no fuel shortage and everyone should remain calm!!! Rolleyes End result - a major fuel crisis!!
(26-09-2021, 18:19)ritchiebaby Wrote: I'm beginning to like Angela Rayner. She's got more balls than Keir Starmer.

A Eunuch has more balls than Starmer.
theo_luddite likes this post
The inevitable result of a government without a plan for Brexit or anything since. Create a crisis then try to look good at the end of it when everyone and everything goes back to normal and claim you resolved the problems you created.

There are still too many idiots down here that think he's doing a wonderful job. Until the press and TV start calling him and the idiots in the government out regularly the change in attitude will only change at a slow pace.
0762 and ritchiebaby like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
Thats always been the problem though, the UK media is either poisonous or quietly complicit with this gang. Now Keir is essentially leading a tory b team selection you might find the press go for Boris a bit more..... maybe..... I tend to think that wont happen til he's outlived his usefulness to them.
I should perhaps have also mentioned "while bunging your mates a few £million, or is that £billion" to make it look like your are sorting out the mess that the Civil Service are capable of handling but you choose ignore them.

Apparently someone scrawled "If you voted for Brexit, go to the back of the queue" on a petrol station sign today. I agree with that.

You can't get into or past supermarkets for normal shopping right now with the bog-roll brigade blocking every road to the one's that sell petrol. Just glad that I'm not having to drive (much) right now as I don't have enough fuel in the tank to do what would have been my once normal commute for a day. It means no hours, no work = no pay but it's preferable to sitting in a queue for petrol for an hour or two with the dickheads. Hopefully it will have calmed down by the weekend, but the dickheads will probably still come out to top up that bit they need to get them to the petrol station and back home again.

Someone said there should be a minimum payment of £50, not a maximum of £30 on the radio today. I agree with that too. Thumb up

At £1.30/litre (and most garages, not supermarkets, charge way more), that's 38.46 litres, or a squirt under 8.5 gallons. Surely most family cars and even some little sugar lumps on wheels these days have at least 10 gallon (45.4 litre) capacity, but if not they'll go for about a year on one tank of fuel anyway.

Meanwhile I'm considering turning my electric golf cart (no it's not a ride on job) into a souped up Sinclair C5. Call it a 5.05. It can do nearly 4 miles on one charge. The brakes might need a bit of work. Sticking a putter under the front wheel is only going to do so much.

[Image: SahQSbI.jpg]
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
I would also love to run a pole to find out how many of the dickheads (mostly English) that voted for Brexit but shop in Aldi or Lidl every week and don't get the irony of that.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
"As Labour’s chaotic conference comes to an end, it is clear Sir Keir Starmer’s party is more divided than ever and has no plan."
Oliver Dowden, Conservative Party Chairman.

Er, when was the last time you or your party had a plan you chuffing d!ck head? When did you write this? Or rather one of Murdoch's hacks? Last week?

Looking forward to the Muppet in charge of the Kermit and Miss Piggy show coming up next week. What? Erm, ooh, policies? What are they? Look, we'll get Brexit done, isn't that enough? Er, um, Norn Iron is a minor detail, we'll do them up like a Manx kipper, and there will be free borders for everyone. Blah, blah, blah.

Oh, yes, um, 4000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire to be turned into new hospitals, 40,000 new nurses, 20,000 new cops, blah, blah, blah.

Just how exactly is that doing since last year? Not a single new hospital build (sorry but I don't count extensions or refurbs, even if you thick buggers do).

Send the forinners back to France or beyond, unless they can drive a petrol tanker or pluck a turkey, or better still both but only until Christmas Eve. At which point they must be on the next ferry home regardless of the tailbacks on the M2.

Can't wait for the Dowden/Bodgit visage next week - what a "a bunch of scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, absolute vile … banana republic, vile, nasty, Etonian … piece of scum,” will come up with will be interesting to see. I can't see it's gonna be any different from the same shit with a cherry on top from the last 11+ years. Can you?

Oh and there's this

"Then today, the business secretary said that the government’s reserve tanker fleet would hit the road this afternoon, and that 150 soldiers were being trained to help drive tankers in the coming days."

Umm, wasn't there 5000 talked about?

In addition I've been to the local ASDA today and filled up. No queue really worth the name, well no worse than normal. A few dickheads filling 3 jerry cans (green plastic) when legally you can only fill two, but when the dickhead has a live petrol pump hose in his hands, are you really in a position to question his sanity or legality?

I've now enough juice to get me to where I need to go and get back a couple of times, which is a step nearer to whatever normal was. The dickhead and his mates in No. 10 being evicted would be another step in the right direction but I won't hold my breath on that one. Should we be evicting young families from a place of safety anyway? Whistle Smartass Tongue Laugh Just asking for a "friend" who is struggling to make ends meet on their £160K/year salary and is not sure where the next meal is coming from.

I think we can make an exception here.

Do we need the army drivers if the bog-roll hoarders have now got the tank of petrol they no longer need to drive nowhere in particular, given they are too lazy to walk to the local chinese/indian take-away or walk to the junior/secondary school to pick up their kids that are more than capable of walking home or getting a bus anyway?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
To confirm theo's post about petrol supplies, I've filled up with petrol twice now since the "crisis" and was 3rd in the queue the first time (quite normal) and drove straight to a pump the second time.

I spoke to a brewery delivery driver a couple of days ago and he said that as far as his firm was concerned, there was no "crisis". Deliveries are being made on time and are almost 100% of the supplies ordered. The biggest problem is many of their customers are ordering extra to cover themselves and the "just in time" deliveries are being stretched.

His (and my) opinion is that this is a situation that is over-exaggerated by the media. It doesn't let the Tories off the hook for their inaction at every stage, though.
Cabbage is still good for you
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