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Another investigation into Rangers business dealings???
it does indeed look like a "storm in a teacup" with Robertson going out of his way to explain Rangers FC's position to other Scot Prem members. It looks like this RFC stance could threaten the £8M contract with cinch.
Looks to me like they are squaring up for a fight with the Scots gov and the SPFL. All the usual sectarian dog whistles have been out and about recently.

The stipulations about the loans they have had from the Scots Gov look interesting and might explain things.

BBC News - Covid in Scotland: Director pay and bonus rules for SPFL clubs' loan

The borrowing rules state the loans can not be used to pay off existing commercial or director loans and bans most dividend payments.
. Hmmm.

I also note they are actually charging the press for access to their rancid club as well  Laugh  Laugh  Absolute tramps.
0762 likes this post
I must say that recent ludicrous comment by the Scot Tory "backdoor" MSP clown, Murdo Fraser (apparently another unionist Rangers fan), really "beggars belief" insinuating that the SNP are anti-Rangers!!??? Why Rangers???? Do they dislike Hibs FC, Aberdeen, any other footie club in Scotland???? Maybe his stupid unqualified comment is linked to this particular issue. He said the SNP has a "problem" with RFC. A lotta people in Scotland have a "problem" with this toxic footie club from Glesca and that's a fact. Their extreme association with the union flag, unionist/sectarianism and intimidation of their critics are perhaps good reasons why they are disliked!!! Even UEFA have had a "problem" with them as well by sanctioning them in previous matches because of unacceptable behaviour by them and a big proportion of their fans!! I must add that they've been doing this for years and really should be challenged on a lotta issues that are totally unacceptable in a football context. Also they really have an unhealthy high regard of themselves and believe they are bigger than Scottish football - deserve to be "brought down a peg or two" if not even sanctioned by a more accountable footie authority that is acting in the best interests of the game.
Was a joke of an article really. The SNP have such a problem with sevco that they have dished out more cash to them than anyone else, also Salmond did his level best to try and stop them getting liquidated as well.

The scotsman is an absolute rag these days.

David Edgar was on GB tv spouting similar pish as well, which makes me think something is brewing here.
Similar pish to the point where it looks like GB News is on the brink of folding because they have no viewing audience of any real significance. My reaction? DELIGHTED TO HEAR OF THEIR IMPENDING DEMISE!!Thumb up
'Over several weeks now, your board has sought to engage with the club concerned to find a way through this very serious impasse'
'However, we have been met with a refusal to give the board sight of any pre-existing third-party contract that would prevent the club from providing inventory for cinch.'

SPFL confirm they are passing their dispute with sevco over to the SFA Lodge for arbitration. The huns are bringing the game into disrepute just like they did last summer.
No surprise there and "par for the course" when it comes to the Huns and their odd association with Scottish footie ever since they were forced to name-change from GRFC to RFC all these years ago.
Other than the loans I don't see any mention of Parks in their accounts supplying anything.
So I doubt very much that there is a contract preventing them advertising a company like cinch, and whats happened so far bears that out. There are countless examples of this kind of contradiction at other clubs so that makes me think there is something more going on here.

I did laugh at the Malmo coach insinuating they are in financial doo-doo if they dont get to the CL. The kind of thing that would never be explored by a Scottish sports Journo. The silence in the room said it all.

A defeat from Malmo last time sent them tailspinning into administration, where the SFAs 'turn a blind eye', funny handshake, policy towards all things rangers came back to bite them on the arse.  Would be funny as xxxx if it happened again Laugh
0762 likes this post

Meanwhile Charles Green is awarded £6.4M compensation - more money plundered from the public purse in the latest chapter of the scandal re GRFC's demise and being taken over by another group of people!!!!!!!Thumb down How much public money has been squandered by the CPS on this unacceptable shambles associated with the insolvency of a totally tarnished and badly run Scottish footie club???? £20M??? I believe there is an element of criminality involved in this scandal and there were "forces of evil" actively ensuring that certain people/potential buyers were not gonna be successful in taking over the Govan club. I'm delighted there will be a Public Inquiry re this whole scandal and IMO it must be an independent one to scrutinise how high up the authoritative ladder this suspected level of corruption had reached. It's well known that RFC is riddled with "dirty money" and heaps of debt that nobody in the media seems to wanna debate any more. I think this previous scandal is linked to all this shit. It would be great if such a proper and thorough investigation would get to the perpetrators of this huge robbery from the public purse.
hibeejim21 and ritchiebaby like this post
(10-08-2021, 15:56)hibeejim21 Wrote: Other than the loans I don't see any mention of Parks in their accounts supplying anything.
So I doubt very much that there is a contract preventing them advertising a company like cinch, and whats happened so far bears that out. There are countless examples of this kind of contradiction at other clubs so that makes me think there is something more going on here.

I did laugh at the Malmo coach insinuating they are in financial doo-doo if they dont get to the CL. The kind of thing that would never be explored by a Scottish sports Journo. The silence in the room said it all.

A defeat from Malmo last time sent them tailspinning into administration, where the SFAs 'turn a blind eye', funny handshake, policy towards all things rangers came back to bite them on the arse.  Would be funny as xxxx if it happened again  Laugh

And Malmo indeed give Rangers a 1-2 "skelping" tonight at Ibronx and do it in the 2nd half with 10 men after giving Rangers a 1-0 lead before HT. Malmo magnificent in a tight defensive unit and Rangers introduced to a higher level of Euro footie that Celtic have also been "done" on so many occasions by Euro teams that have a decent quality about them and "want it more". I laughed at so many Hun pundits who dismissed Malmo as "already beaten" lol!! Laugh Note Malmo have never lost to any Scot footie team since 1971!!
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