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Just on a side note, A colleague of mine who was born in France but has lived here with her English partner for years got her settled status through the other day. All good you might think, before she pointed out that there is a disclaimer at the bottom "this letter is not proof of settled status".
There is something a bit xxxx Germany about the whole thing. Truly shameful.
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17-06-2021, 15:21
(This post was last modified: 17-06-2021, 20:37 by 0762.)
I said well over a year ago that the RW political events unfolding in England reminded me of 1930s Germany that was steeped in hatred, division, the targeting of vulnerable groups of people, misogyny, racism, xenophobia and a total disregard for law and order and democracy itself. I don't change that view one jot.
There's no suggestion this Brexit govt compares to the obscenity of Hitler's regime; but there are clear signs that the UK may be travelling along the very same route.
For instance, last week Michael Gove was found guilty of breaking the law. The courts decided it was a clear breach. He has offered no apology - no contrition and life has carried on much as before for this wayward minister who is a fascist together with his poisonous wife who appears to be as bad as him in behavioural terms. Indeed Gove and his Union Unit have been ordered by a court, under FOI, to release opinion poll data and other docs covering Scotindy to be released and viewed by the public - the c### is still trying to resist the law courts, unbelievable contemptuous fascist behaviour!! The Home Sec, Patel, is another notable offender. It has become routine for ministers to lie and divert contracts to friends and party donors. The population in England has been conditioned to accept such bad behaviour as the norm!  But this is just the "tip of the iceberg" TBF - civil servants and others are being pressured to overlook conventions and their consciences to become enablers of iniquity. Indeed, by many accounts the head of the UK Civil Service seems to be more exercised in preventing Scot independence than upholding the integrity of his office - HE HAS OPTED TO ENABLE AND NOT OPPOSE OR EVEN OBJECT - AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE TO SUCH A REPUTABLE INSTITUTION!!
Also re the BBC - quietly and almost without demur, it has been co-opted to the Brit "Brexit" govt cause. Its leadership is now unashamedly partisan. Indeed, its bosses may have been chosen on that basis - DON'T EXPECT IMPARTIAL OUTPUT FROM AN ORGANISATION SO PROFOUNDLY COMPROMISED!! All of this foul ethos is due directly to the lack of controls over ministerial behaviour and because the UK constitution is whatever the govt of the day, with a working majority, says it is i.e. NO WRITTEN CONSTITUTION FOR CIVIL SERVANTS ETC TO ABIDE BY!! Once this ethos of low standards and corruption is embedded, any extreme behaviour is possible. Even the inner workings of the Royal Family, with the fourth estate devoted to so-called monitors of standards, has failed in giving little attention to the moral decline around them. IMO all of this shit could've been prevented had the UK been in possession of a written constitution.
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18-06-2021, 11:06
(This post was last modified: 18-06-2021, 11:19 by 0762.)
At last, a "small crack in the armour" of the Tories - losing a by-election by over 8k votes and it was a strong Tory seat for decades. But not a Labour Party win either!! Not significant enough yet but maybe this is the first sign that these fascists can eventually be "brought down from their perch".
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British food and drink exports to EU fall by £2bn in first quarter of 2021 - quelle surprise
In other news - a few short weeks ago you couldn't turn the tellybox on without some reporter or another sticking his long mike and pole up the nose of some folk from Hartlepuddles. It started at least 2 weeks before and carried on for days after, as it was obvious to all and sundry that the CONservatives were going to haul in the Kipper votes and win by a margin and a half regardless of how feckless and reckless the Government has been for the last year and a bit.
This morning I discover there was another by-election, yesterday, in the super-safe Tory seat of Chesham and Amersham where they got walloped by the Lib-Dem's. Given the Tory's apparently knew they were in for a hammering, why hasn't this been on and in the news constantly for the last 2 weeks? One can only wonder? I guess they are all still sitting on their Chalfont's on that one.
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Those figures are horrendous on trade - as the article points out its not 'teething problems' it's a sign of real structural problems. One of the most immediate is the huge hole in UK fruit and veg pickers and packers .
They have been told to xxxx off, so they have unsurprisingly fucked off.
Meanwhile we have our paltry Australian deal - a little digging around sees these Australian meat producers have tory links - Shock.
I'd put Chesham down to a protest vote over HS2, maybe I'm wrong but I suspect it will go back tory at the next election.
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More than likely, folk in the Chilterns and the Chalfont's idea of a protest vote is to vote Lib-Dem, not Labour.
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24-06-2021, 20:27
(This post was last modified: 24-06-2021, 21:09 by theo_luddite.)
Won't be the last.
Dickheads voted to leave, Bodgit said nowt would change, throw your paperwork in the bin, but we'll have our borders back, that we never didn't have in the first place, and as a result of which some took it as an excuse to abuse Johnny and Janet Forriner and tell 'em to go home (which many now have and won't be back anytime soon).
Now the German Meerkat, sorry Merkel says we've all got to sit in a hotel for a few days on arrival in der Varterland too, or maybe the whole of Europe. How very dare she? Has she got the thumbs up from the Daily Fail on this?
On top of not being able to sell sossiges, bayercon and processed chicken to Norn Iron, because the EU are not playing fair with our PM ignoring something that Bodgit signed up to that he hadn't read properly, this is all working out splendidly well isn't it? We can't get aluminium parts we've made in to aerospace companies let alone bacon for bacon butties into someone's gob. Pigs might fly but planes built in Norn Iron won't for much longer, but, hey, we've got (no) control of our borders - just ask Mr. & Mrs. D. Covid, recently arrived from New Delhi and settling in well around the country.
Oh, we can now sell a few bangers, and a bottle or two of whisky to the Aussies apparently - who call 'em Mystery Bags for good reason. Roll on the fantastic trade deals with the Asian Pacific group, the Yanks and the Canucks. It will do our carbon foot print the world of good. If only there was something similar in Europe we could sign up to? Strange they don't have something you could hang your hat on and form a free trade agreement with in such a huge trading block isn't it?
Oh wait!!!
But, but, but,
Bodgit the Builder isn't wearing his Hi-Vis and hard hat,
Bodgit the Lab Rat isn't wearing his Lab coat and safety specs,
Oh, but Bodgit the PM is wearing his crumpled suit that he hangs in his Floordrobe every night, and still lying through his teeth to Brenda, so that's alright then. Bless.
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EE - owned by BT - er, BRITISH Telecoms in case that escaped your notice. I'm sure they'll thank Bodgit for not having to stick to EU pricing rules any more.
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Surprised you didn't mention the "One nation, one Britain" song they want English kids to sing at school.
Or the tory MPs plan to provide free pictures of the queen for the homes that wants one
I know I know.... There is just so much comedy material coming from these idiots its hard to keep up.
It's all getting a bit North Korea now.
But more worryingly.....
Food producers and road hauliers have warned the government that the supply of food and drink to supermarkets is “failing” due to a chronic shortage of HGV drivers.
In a letter to the prime minister, the leaders of a series of business groups across the food and logistic sectors say that the number of unfilled vacancies has risen above 100,000 and is now “at crisis point.”
They blame recruitment problems on a number of factors, including:
A fall in the number of EU nationals available to work in the UK as a result of Brexit.
A fall in the number of UK nationals training as HGV drivers due to restrictions during the pandemic.
An increase in the number of HGV drivers who retired during lockdown.
And IR35 - a change in the taxation rules - which has reduced the amount of money self-employed drivers are able to earn.
This is related to the area I'm working in currently - and the last item there, was absolute insanity from the government. But as ever they wouldn't listen to the warnings.
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25-06-2021, 00:09
(This post was last modified: 25-06-2021, 00:16 by 0762.)
Is that the same warnings that were issued by the fishing industry, the farming sector, the fruit growers - the list is a lengthy one and it becomes clear these charlatans don't care about any casualties along the way as long as they "get their country back"(sic) and, more importantly, "line their own pockets" and those of their cronies/pals/Tory donors. What I'd like to know is, "When is the 'shit gonna finally hit the fan' and most of the population finally 'waken up to reality' and the fact that this whole political charade is wrong and totally unacceptable"???