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06-04-2021, 13:21
(This post was last modified: 06-04-2021, 13:25 by 0762.)
There's no doubt that the saying "pain with gain" comes into play in this debate but the eventual overall benefit is massive compared with the same of the same tired politics from people who Scots don't vote for and have not done so since 1955 plus the politics have become poisonous against Scotland and the Scot people for not embracing a flawed isolationist political ideology and moving ever more closely towards self-determination and full governance of our own affairs, IMO something that should've materialised years ago had there not been this "oldie affiliation" to sticking with the union, many of these people totally brainwashed with a lotta the shit/Brit gov spin like the fib re the Scot economy being subsidised by the UK govt or pensions being under serious threat.
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(30-03-2021, 23:57)hibeejim21 Wrote: Ross is just odious, Slater came across a bit too preachy at times, and Rennie we know all about.... you reach for the mute button.
Sarwar performed a bit better than I thought being honest, but sturgeon was streets ahead.
Just listening to DRoss on the radio trying to justify the fact he can remain on an MP's salary and still become a MSP with an additional annual salary, his defence being that ex FMs such as Henry McLeish did it and in his opinion he can do both jobs. So it's OK!!? IMO anybody "filling their wellies full of tax payers' money" in this way just shouldn't be allowed to do it as per revised parliamentary rules put in place to counter anybody even considering this dual accountability and getting away with it. This is all about the "me, me, me" culture that pervades Tory ranks and I hope this unconstitutional, back-stabbing scumbag who tried very hard (together with his scumbag Tory paymasters in London) to bring down our FM gets nowhere near a list MSP role in the Scot Parliament - too much to bear from someone who has no interest in Scotland whatsoever no matter what he professes to the contrary.
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Has Mr Ross not got another job as well? How many does he want?
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I see Scotland has now passed the 10k mark for Covid deaths, at the same time as Jeanne Freeman admitted that the Scottish Government had failed in allowing the transfer of elderly Covid patients from hospitals to care homes. Now I've always thought that such decisions would be made by health professionals, but apparently not.
To me the fact that it was a Scottish Government decision is absolutely staggering. Many of us on here have argued that it was against all common sense to move these patients into care homes, but common sense doesn't appear to apply to governments.
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There will have to be a full enquiry Ritchie, there has been a massive failure on that front UK wide.
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09-04-2021, 21:44
(This post was last modified: 09-04-2021, 23:33 by 0762.)
I regard Freeman's comments as a follow on to what was already admitted last year in the Scot Parliament to be a failed process and, on reflection, many decisions would've been done differently. How on earth was she drawn into this kinda conversation now, during the lead up to a Scottish election? I notice that little runt, DRoss, trying AGAIN to make political capital out of another pandemic issue - a hypocrite who conveniently ignored and indeed condoned certain highly questionable COVID issues that arose against his Tory chums in London!  Were clinical advisers already "on board" during that early period of the pandemic in 2020 when the first lockdown was already imposed???? I'm assuming experts like Prof Leitch were active alongside the Scot govt but not sure TBH. Also I can vividly recall my alarm and warnings because of what was happening in Spain - the Spanish care sector was decimated and that disaster happened well before the sad events that happened in Scotland's care sector. IMO there seemed to be nobody in high authority who could "read" the warning signals coming in from Spain and also from Italy. That failure to act with an effective plan of action totally bemused me at the time and it still haunts me even now. One must ask the question, "What was the solution to stop this virus doing the same thing"? i.e. getting into the premises and infecting so many care hospitals etc"? Full isolation??? Remember there was no effective test and trace system at that time! Think back to how many months it took to finally impose a reasonably effective regime of protection to stop this virus infecting these kinda premises and other med facilities as well. IMO a lotta decisions were made "in good faith" but they were carried out in an unprecedented situation where a highly infectious coronavirus had finally entered the country and was gonna "run riot" and hospitals had to be prepared and made ready asap for the deluge of cases that were gonna hit them at any moment. Clearly one of the associated measures was moving all vulnerable patients out of hospitals that were gonna be a potential major threat of infection and death to these patients. Not properly thought out and the eventual Public Enquiry promised by the FM will focus on that particular action, the reasons why it was deployed and other factors such as any risk assessment or recommended strategic plan that was possibly compiled before it all "kicked off". Also was it a rushed decision/action where "time was of the essence"????? I suspect that was indeed the case!
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18-04-2021, 14:17
(This post was last modified: 18-04-2021, 16:52 by 0762.)
I forgot to mention this fabulous "taking the piss" performance by David Tennant re the Tories continuous obsession with Union Jackery. Finally managed to watch it and can understand why lots n lots of Scottish viewers were giving him encores - a priceless performance and really "getting it right up them" re their obsession to "fly the flag". On the same subject, apparently there are a number of key Tory officials who are "at it" in the lead up to the COP26 conference and seem to be more interested in flying lots n lots of their Union Jacks - an absolutely ridiculous obsession when one considers the far more important issues re the threat of climate change and global warming.
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18-04-2021, 15:49
(This post was last modified: 18-04-2021, 15:50 by hibeejim21.)
Thought she was very defensive with ridge this morning. Dont think she handled the interview well.
She needs to stop going on about Salmond as well, its making her sound unhinged.
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18-04-2021, 17:07
(This post was last modified: 18-04-2021, 20:21 by 0762.)
I must say that my impression re the FM through this particular week is the fact that she looks very tired for whatever reason that is. Watched her on a number of occasions, didn't watch the leaders' debate, IMO both are embarrassing "shouty" performances with the main shouters being male political non-entities!! Looking at the performance ratings later on and Sturgeon performing OK, not hugely brilliant; but effectively "ticking over". Listening to a political analyst this morning on the radio and the SNP's popular vote rating apparently up 3.5 pts (compared with the 2016 Scot election) and gradually rising. Their election campaign has not hit peak either as still a few weeks to go. Also one has to remember the election campaigns are surreal due to the COVID restrictions.
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I notice Johnson told by the Scot Tories to stay away from an already damaged election campaign lol!!  Their leader, DRoss, squirming in his chair while being quizzed on this subject by the press and clearly trying to avoid the subject. I can't believe that a good number of people still vote for these treacherous bastards in Scotland. His latest manifesto pledge to give a tax reduction to his wealthy pals (that also includes a tax windfall for him in his multi-job position!) just confirms how little this man has to offer the Scot electorate with such a typical Dickensian way of thinking.