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Labour Leadership Contest
Yep! All these parties have been politically flawed with unconstitutional stances re Scottish independence plus, more importantly, their conveyor belt of so many failed leaders just highlighted how many "lightweight politicians" have come and gone within their ranks. Even Baroness Davidson, who doesn't like to be addressed by that title, was massively overrated but still given a huge PR profile by her London office through their RW media and then ironically politically destroyed by her despised target, Johnson, in her ill-advised Tory leadership strategy, Operation Arse (what a title!) to block SC&U party support for Johnson.
(01-03-2021, 20:41)0762 Wrote: Yep! All these parties have been politically flawed with unconstitutional stances re Scottish independence plus, more importantly, their conveyor belt of so many failed leaders just highlighted how many "lightweight politicians" have come and gone within their ranks. Even Baroness Davidson, who doesn't like to be addressed by that title, was massively overrated but still given a huge PR profile by her London office through their RW media and then ironically politically destroyed by her despised target, Johnson, in her ill-advised Tory leadership strategy, Operation Arse (what a title!) to block SC&U party support for Johnson.

I was surprised that Davidson didn't stand for a seat in Westminister in 2017. Scotland has the same problem as England that there is no real opposition to the SNP to hold them to account like there is no real opposition to hold the Tories to account.

Biggest problem for Labour well three big problems is winning the red wall back, trying to take seats off the SNP in Scotland but also making sure that Plaid Cymru don't take votes and seats off Labour as it looks like Welsh independence is starting to grow.

Labour winning the next election is very very slim and the Sunday Times were reporting that if the economy is doing well then Johnson will call an election in 2023.

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That end line should be the main rallying call of the SNP up here in Scotland - years and years of a Johnson govt that we never vote for but effectively "shoved down our throats" will not be tolerated amongst most of our population and there is a better alternative for a small country like Scotland that will do very well independently much like many other similar sized countries such as Estonia, Denmark, Latvia, Iceland, Finland, Luxembourg - they outperform the UK across a range of economic indicators and some of them are not resourced as well as Scotland. It is undeniably true that countries of a similar small population size to Scotland, but which possess significantly inferior economic assets, have developed larger economies than Scotland's.
Starmer now has a negative rating with labour voters from 2019. The bottom is in danger of falling out of his support completely.
He's followed the Tory line far too often - not a good sign for the main opposition party.
Cabbage is still good for you
It now transpires from a March YouGov study that 60% of UK Labour members now back a Scotindy referendum and that 56% believe the party should publicly back it. I think this is a combination of Starmer's "out of touch" unionist stance against Scotindy plus his Brexit concession and the presence of an incompetent buffoon of a PM named Boris Johnson who Starmer fails to oppose effectively. Bad news for him as he visits Scotland to add some kinda support to Sarwar's election campaign which is doomed to have minimal impact on a very sceptical Scottish electorate incl many of their own members who are "fed up to the back teeth" of being patronised re their Scotindy support and are backing it democratically.
(17-04-2021, 14:22)0762 Wrote: It now transpires from a March YouGov study that 60% of UK Labour members now back a Scotindy referendum and that 56% believe the party should publicly back it. I think this is a combination of Starmer's "out of touch" unionist stance against Scotindy plus his Brexit concession and the presence of an incompetent buffoon of a PM named Boris Johnson who Starmer fails to oppose effectively. Bad news for him as he visits Scotland to add some kinda support to Sarwar's election campaign which is doomed to have minimal impact on a very sceptical Scottish electorate incl many of their own members who are "fed up to the back teeth" of being patronised re their Scotindy support and are backing it democratically.

Is that 60% of Scottish Labour members?

Also I would take YouGov polls with a pinch of salt especially seeing a Tory MP was a founder of it.

Too many are swayed by the polls.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
It is a poll of UK Labour members averaged for all age groups in the survey. Their Scottish survey was a joke TBH. Something like an analysis of 43 people giving a 31% pro indy support - ridiculous! That percentage is far more than this YouGov figure.
Keir getting chucked out of that pub in bath today by some nutter was pretty surreal.
So the Labour Party wins the Batley and Spenn by-election by a few 100 votes and Starmer professing that "Labour is back"??? An 8000+ majority whittled down to a few hundred votes by a Tory govt that is so riddled with corruption and new weekly negative revelations and yet the voting public in England back these shameless c####!!! I don't think Starmer's analysis/view is anything other than just trying to "show face"!!
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