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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Rudely awakened by the Dustman on a Sunday, Jim!!!! That will never do
Why should a man go to work, if he has the health and strength to stay in bed?
(31-01-2021, 13:05)hibeejim21 Wrote:
(31-01-2021, 11:29)themaclad Wrote: Aye the first country in the wordl to have the vaccine, had the foresight to start planning last February to get one rolled out, placed orders in August with seven pharma companies. At the same time Germany placed orders with a German firm however were told to let Brussels do it, they ordered three months late and are paying a price which is way lower that what we are.
Last two day close to a million people vaccinated with about 800,000 in England, UK 13.8% of the population 1.2 % in Europe, Europe has ballsed up big time
Her silence speaks volumes if it had been us that had cocked up boy would we have known,  why the silence though is she helping her husband shred documentation in relation to Alex Salmond.
No doubt she'll be on television tomorrow explaning what a good job but watch those eyes blink when she gets a difficult question, give you a tip she's now being targeted,  maybe they should ask her why Scotland has the highest unemplyment rate in the UK, highest drug related deaths , highest deficit of GDP in Europe . Hate to think what mess you'd be in without the Barnett formula
To be honest vast majority of us down south would vote to get rid of Scotland then Nats then you'll realise what a dud she is. So go ahead have your independence then try to join the EU after Friday's events the end game has started for the EU even the German newspaper BILD has given it a kicking
As for Bojo going to Scotland at least he didn't use a Virgin train like Ferrier.
As you say she has done a really good job after all last summer she had nearly eradicated Covid
As phrase empty vessels make most sound boy is loud these days, enjoy tomorrow she'll be back on the box tomorrow Kim Jong Sturgeon

Hardly a ringing endorsement for the EU which the SNP wish to rejoin

PARKLIFE!!!  Laugh

Lol! Laugh But FFS there is no f##### "ringing endorsement" that can retrospectively be given to the f### up govt that currently is running riot in Brit politics and I think most Scots will acknowledge that fact. A little vaccine dispute will never change the view re this f### up Johnson govt and I'd just allude to the Daily "fascist" Mail style propaganda that seems to be foisted on an English population, a big chunk of which I reckon have been totally brainwashed for years and I'm sure a lotta them haven't got a scooby what is actually happening in Scotland because of the media shit they are being "spoonfed" down there - unbelievable ignorance of the fact due to over 90% of their press either suppressing info on the subject or feeding them the Murdoch RW anti EU propaganda that they've been practising for about 40 years!!
Fascist indeed how you coping with Hamza free speech clamp down, trouble for Nippy and the Nats is they are so desperate for Brexit to fail try any stunt when push comes to shove Britain pioneering the way
On Friday the EU threatened to stop potentially life saving medication to an independent Sovereign nation and Nippy has kept stum because it does not suit her anti London and anti Brexit stance
The Scots deserve better than the miserable blame every one else SNP
Independent Nation within the EU you would be just a small cog in the Brussels machine why do you think we voted to leave
As for lies during the Ref Remain side told load porkies how do you explain the two elections in 2019 both won by anti EU parties

See Matt’s post nails it perfectly SNP the one policy party sod all else
You can rant away all you like fella pointless arguing you’ve got your head in the sand believing the grass is greener on the other side
Why should a man go to work, if he has the health and strength to stay in bed?
Again these comments/"opinions"(?) are a reflection of the shit you must be reading down there!!! Are you a Trump fan as well by any chance who shares that kinda political shit month by month, year by year - you sound like it, propaganda/innuendo all spoonfed to you and you are ignorantly taking it in "big time". Or maybe, in fact, you are just the same "wind up" merchant that you've always randomly been on this Sb board - probably closer to the truth and in fact I'll take that unsubstantiated "drivel" with a "pinch of salt"!! And btw 1. The SNP is not a one policy political party - a Trumpist RW insinuation if ever I saw one!! 2. The Brexit referendum was a blatant lie/a con/conspiracy of the highest order and that will validated in years to come (it already has been validated with various references to the lies/deceptions that they got away with!!!) - again a slanted Trump-like argument coming from a "wind-up" merchant!! 3. You have a fascist govt in Westminster now that about 32% of your English population voted in (some f###### democracy in this country with an outdated election system to boot!!) - you are welcome to these c#### - YOU CAN HAVE THEM BUT DON'T DARE DRAG SCOTLAND INTO THE INSIDIOUS POLITICS OF THESE BREXIT FUCKWITS - DON'T INSULT US WITH THE KINDA SHIT THAT IS FIT FOR THE GUTTER!! Indeed I think there is a bigger story unfolding from the recent report by the National Audit Office on this Brit govt's highly questionable awards of govt contracts to their own associates/Tory donors - a level of cronyism not witnessed in years and years of Brit politics until now!!Thumb down We are looking at billions of pounds of taxpayers money that IMO has been fraudulently "dished out" to wealthy Tory benefactors and the NAO report is absolutely damning!! There is an opposition move to introduce a bill that is nicknamed the "Anti Cronyism bill" that will allow full parliamentary scrutiny of the way that these kinda contracts are being awarded and the "fast track" nature of them, a violation of the competitive tendering process normally applicable to the award of public service contracts, civil service contracts etc. IMO these people in the Brit govt are criminals, pure n simple, and will subvert the rule of law at every opportunity. I've no doubt that this proposed parliamentary bill will be defeated by these corrupt bastards!! This is the level of corruption that we are now dealing with in this country - AGAIN VERY TRUMP-LIKE, A NEST OF VIPERS!! I must also say I chuckled after reading about the "scramble" by certain Brit govt officials re the precarious economic position of the British Virgin Islands - a Brit Overseas Territory that had quickly been blacklisted by the EU after Brexit was formally confirmed and this meant that its economic dependency on being a tax haven had been removed. This sudden crisis coupled with corruption in the BVI govt placed their sweet economic position in peril. So why should the Brit govt show such a level of serious concern??? Could it be that a lotta their wealthy Tory party donors/associates, who don't wanna pay their tax dues in the same way as we (the plebs) do it, have been using the BVI as one of their tax avoiding havens????????? As I said - A BUNCH OF CONNIVING CRIMINALS WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE ABOVE PAYING THEIR TAX DUES LIKE THE COMMON CITIZEN "ON THE STREET" - VERY TRUMP-LIKE AGAIN AND ANYONE WHO CONDONES THIS SHIT REALLY NEEDS TO "GET REAL"!!
(31-01-2021, 16:15)themaclad Wrote: Fascist indeed how you coping with Hamza free speech clamp down, trouble for Nippy and the Nats is they are so desperate for Brexit to fail try any stunt when push comes to shove Britain pioneering the way
On Friday the EU threatened to stop potentially life saving medication to an independent Sovereign nation and Nippy has kept stum because it does not suit her anti London and anti Brexit stance
The Scots deserve better than the miserable blame every one else SNP
Independent Nation within the EU you would be just a small cog in the Brussels machine why do you think we voted to leave
As for lies during the Ref Remain side told load porkies how do you explain the two elections in 2019 both won by anti EU parties

See Matt’s post nails it perfectly SNP the one policy party sod all else
You can rant away all you like fella pointless arguing you’ve got your head in the sand believing the grass is greener on the other side

A stranger to both logic and punctuation. Laugh
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A "wind-up merchant" very quickly exposed ha ha ha Laugh But we all knew that to begin with - THIS MAN HAS "FORM" HA HA HA!! Therefore it is more difficult to affect long-term Sb members who know him only too well!! Laugh A good try though!! Smile
France and Germany are threatening to sue AstraZeneca if they don't boost number of jabs for the EU.

In a partial victory for the EU, Ursula von der Leyen announced on Sunday evening that AstraZeneca had agreed to supply another nine million doses of its vaccine to the bloc, with deliveries beginning a week earlier than previously planned. The Commission president described the deal, which brings the total supply by the end of March to 40 million compared to 100 million originally promised, as a “step forward”.

Ursula von der Leyen@vonderleyen·4h
Step forward on vaccines.

will deliver 9 million additional doses in the first quarter (40 million in total) compared to last week’s offer & will start deliveries one week earlier than scheduled.

The company will also expand its manufacturing capacity in Europe.

Sounds like engineers from the UK site were sent to help the manufacturing sites in Europe. 2 days ago they were offered 8 million extra doses but it wasn't enough.

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(02-04-2016, 15:41)El Car Wrote: I suspect most of the anti-EU rhetoric is founded in Xenophobia rather than for example rational economic arguments. Speaking as someone who works for a major global financial services firm, I can tell you that the majority of similar firms are 100% against an exit from the EU, and if we did leave there would likely be a huge detrimental impact to a number of important sectors.

These comments were made on this board in 2016 before the vote was conducted! COMMENTS CORRECT, IT IS ACTUALLY WORSE AND I CAN'T I CAN'T EVEN SAY NOTHING HAS CHANGED!! EG AN EMERGENCY BREXIT COMMITTEE BEING SET UP TO DEAL WITH THE CRISIS IN THE FISHING/SHELLFISH INDUSTRY AND FINALLY TALKING TO THE SCOTTISH GOVT - WHOOOOEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! TOO F###### LATE!!! Thumb down Thumb down Thumb down Shameless Brexit Tory c#### pure n simple!! Who are also being threatened by factions of NI unionists!! Rolleyes
This from June 2015 in the Glasgow Times.

TODAY I am visiting Brussels - the location of the HQ of the European Union - for the first time since becoming First Minister.

It is an important visit, coming just days after the Tory government published its Bill for a referendum on the UK's membership of the EU.

It matters to Scottish jobs and our economy.

My message is a simple one - the EU is not perfect but Scotland's interests are best served by being a member.

Firstly, the imperfections.

Most people would agree that the EU is too bureaucratic, not transparent or democratic enough and that it often interferes too much in matters that are best left to national governments.

That's why the Scottish Government is in favour of sensible reforms that will allow countries to run their own affairs in areas where they know best and leave the EU to focus on areas where cooperation and joint action makes sense. But, crucially, we think these reforms should be argued for - and agreed - from within the EU.

Several members have tried to get 'sensible reforms' including Britain and have failed. The commissioners and presidents will probably be the only one's who bring in reforms as they run the show.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Yeah and the UK had nothing to do with devising and creating the current EU regulations, we had absolutely no say in that at all
Nor did Cameron not get multiple opt-outs on all the things that were giving gammons in brexitor on sea palpitations either.

Now instead we have Gove frantically trying to re-negotiate restrictions Boris says don't exist.

Meanwhile you are selectively quoting from a conciliatory puff piece sturgeon wrote prior to Brexit to try and get the Scottish people not to vote for this lunacy.

We are basically being run by a hard right cadre of the tory party and you are still obsessing about EU bureaucracy Doh Rolleyes
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