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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
He had no idea about anything Andrew Marr asked him. He did his usual Trump impersonation by talking over the top of Marr, who did get the last word by saying "that's an Englishman talking to a Scotsman".
0762 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
Marr prob under orders from his Tory bbc controllers to give the disheveled buffoon a "free rein", all part of the new propaganda drive to follow on from his stage-managed media stunt where he bogusly takes all the credit for delivering a shit Brexit deal, all conveniently omitted.
Like Theo pointed out, I'm half expecting the government to totally xxxx up this vaccine roll out.

We'd be better off ordering some shit online from a Russian website.
And right on cue, Matt Hancock appears.

Clearly they are worried that the vaccine is not as effective with the "South African variant"
Clearly they have done xxxx all to utilise all those potential qualified volunteers and premises that could have been used to speed up the vaccines despite having months to plan for it.
Clearly the schools are going to have to close because SAGE told the government on the 22nd December that they cant get R number below 1 without that.
Clearly the virus is now out of control.
Clearly people coming from South Africa are merely being asked to self-isolate. Thats all.
Clearly Boris knows what needs done but doesn't want to look like Starmer is calling the shots, so is delaying unecessarily and thus making sure restrictions will last longer.

Its a national scandal. It really is.
0762 likes this post
Incompetence abounds in this particular Brit govt and that's a fact as we've been observing for over a year of shit and shameful governance.
Where is Starmer? Jeremy bloody Hunt is now acting like the Leader of the Opposition. And it was his cuts that caused the shortages in the NHS in the first place.

Where are you Sir Keith?
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
He called for a nationwide lockdown yesterday.

His problem is of course that it cant work without schools closing, which he can't push for because he stupidly fell into Boris's trap on that with his comments about keeping the schools open 'no excuses'
“The risk to teachers, and of course we will do everything we can to protect teachers, but the risk to teachers is no greater than it is to anyone else.”

This kind of pish really rips my knitting. You try standing in a poorly ventilated room with 30 xxxx kids in it while the viral load builds up Boris you absolute xxxx welt.

We all know you are going to have to close them so xxxx get on with it ya dick.
ritchiebaby likes this post
Still can't make a decision to save his life. Won't make a decision that Starmer suggests because it doesn't fit his agenda, not that he has one, so the wee wifey in Scotland with the other agenda, Clodagh and Sinead O' Riley, O' Connor (or whatever their names are) in Ireland and Taffy the Leeky Daffodil make their own mind up and he eventually follows suit. Or he has another idea on Thursday and changes it on Saturday. Just xxxx resign you knobhead and let some other dickhead have a go that might be decisive.

What could possibly go wrong?
ritchiebaby likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
There's another U-Boat U-turn floating down the Thames like a Turd on the Run tonight.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
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